Viewing Processes
Tasks to be completed can be assigned or forwarded to yuuvis® RAD client users via processes. You can see the progress of processes for which you are responsible or that you started in the process view.
The Process View
You open the process view via the Main menu icon > My processes.
There are three parts to the process view:

You can view list the processes for which you are responsible or that you started in the My processes. The icons in the list inform you about the process progress status. You can refresh, filter, and sort the list.

Process running. |
Process completed. |
The process is corrupted. Please contact your system administrator. With the appropriate rights, the corrupted process event contains an error message in the process details area that could be helpful for troubleshooting. |
Administrators can adapt process progress status icons to the specific system.

Refreshes the list. |
Filters the list by Model, Status (Running, Paused, Created, Canceled, Failed, Completed), and Start time. Active filters are highlighted by means of a colored filter icon in the header area of the list. The count of the filtered objects is shown in the footer of the list. To remove a filter, click the Reset filter button in the open filter dialog. |
Sorts the list in ascending or descending order by date. Active sortings are highlighted by means of a colored sorting icon in the header area of the list. To remove a sorting, click the |

The history of the process and the process file of the process selected in the list are shown in the area of the process aspects.

The history of the process shows a list of process events with the following information:
- Process title and user profile of the process owner in header area
- Times of individual process events, sorted chronologically
- Activity or user that triggered the event
- Event title and additional information where available
You have the option of using the text input field in the header to filter the list of process events.

The process file contains the objects that were selected when the process was started (see Starting Processes with an Object Reference or that were added to the file later (see Editing or Forwarding TasksEditing or Forwarding Tasks. If you select an object in the process file, the object aspects of the selected object will be shown in the object area. The list of objects in the process file is sorted by the date on which they were added.
Objects that are part of a process file are identified by a Process icon in the header in the object area.

The object area shows all the properties and contents of the object that was selected in the process file.
The user is only shown the objects of the process file for which they also have read rights. It may therefore happen that the objects of the process file are not displayed to the user in the object area.
The object area is divided into the object aspects:

Shows a summary of the most important metadata and object properties of an object, such as name, editor, status, number of versions, file size, etc.
If the object is in a folder, the most important metadata for the folder is also displayed in a drop-down menu. The title of the drop-down menu provides information about the type of folder. If you click on the linked title, the metadata of the folder is displayed in the object area instead of the metadata of the object.
Fields with links to other objects, such as links to the filing folder or reference links, may also be shown in the Summary aspect area, depending on the object type (see References). Click the folder link or the Reference icon, for example, to access the filing location of the linked object.
If more than one version of an object exists, you can also click the underlined version number to access the version view. Here, you can compare the versions of an object with one another and restore older versions (see Object Versions).

The Metadata aspect area offers the option of editing the metadata of the selected object (see Editing Metadata), provided that:
you have the appropriate rights;
no other user has locked the object (see Locking Document Files);

The editing history of the selected object is shown in the History aspect area. It displays, for instance, what changes were made to an object, at what time, and by which user. You can filter the events of the editing history, if needed. You can also access the version view via the entries (see Object Versions).

The relevant links to other objects in yuuvis® RAD are shown in the References aspect area. Click a reference entry to show the filing location of a reference object. You can also use the Search icon or the Open in hit list button to view hit lists containing the reference objects (see References).

The Content aspect area is used to display document content. Various content previews are used depending on the type of document file that was selected:
Standard content preview
Provides a simple preview of the contents of the selected document file. In this content preview, you can print out and search the document file, select and copy text, and download PDF attachments (see Standard Content Preview).
yuuvis® RAD office-365-dashlet
The dashlet is not displayed until you have selected a document whose document file permits editing with Microsoft Office 365. You can use the dashlet to create Microsoft Office documents and collaborate on these documents with other yuuvis® RAD users. A detailed description of the dashlet can be found under The yuuvis® RAD office-365-dashlet.
You can undock the content preview (see Hiding and Undocking Areas).

The Signature aspect area shows information about the signatures of document objects. The entries in the aspect area provide information about the status of a signature process or about the signature itself. The aspect area also provides users with the ability to control a signature process (see Signing Document Files).
Aspect areas can be hidden by the administrator. As a result, the functions described may not be available to you.
You can edit the object selected in the process file in the object area like you would edit any other object in yuuvis® RAD client (see The Actions Menu). Depending on the context, you also have a number of actions available in the header of the object area:

Icon | Beschreibung |
Updates the preview of the object selected in the object area. |
Displays the favorite status of the selected object. Clicking the favorites icon allows you to add the object to your favorites or remove it from the favorites area (see Adding Objects to Favorites). |
Downloads the document file of the selected object in the original format to the local file system (see Download Document File). This is displayed only if the object selected is a document file that has content. |
Downloads a document file for editing (see Opening and Editing a Document File Locally). This is only displayed if:
Opens the actions menu and, depending on the context, offers various actions for the object shown in the object area (see The Actions Menu). |
Indicates that a subscription is available for the selected object (see Creating Subscriptions and Deleting Subscriptions). |
Indicates that a follow-up is available for the selected object (see Creating Follow-ups and Editing or Deleting Follow-ups). |
Indicates that the selected document is in the process of being signed. The document file has been transferred to a signing platform and still needs to be signed by the specified signers (see Signing Document Files). |
Indicates that the selected document has been signed (see Signing Document Files). |
Indicates that the selected document is in the process of being signed and that the signing request has expired, has been rejected, or has been canceled or that an error has occurred during signing (see Signing Document Files). |
Indicates that the selected object is part of a process file (see Process file). If you hover with your mouse over the icon, the tooltips will show you which process this is. |
Indicates that the selected object has been finalized (see Finalizing Objects). |
Indicates that the selected object has been locked by you (see Locking Document Files). |
Indicates that the selected object has been locked by another user. |
Link document | The Link document button indicates that the selected object is a link document (see Object Versions). |
Open original context | The Open original context button indicates that the selected object is an object referencing the folder (see References). You can click the button to view the filing location of the selected object. |
You cannot edit process work items or remove processes in the process view. Process work items are edited in the inbox (see Inbox).
Adjusting the Layout
You can change the layout of the areas (see Hiding and Undocking Areas). You can also change the arrangement of the aspect areas to your liking (see Object Aspects).