Creating Document Files from a Template

yuuvis® RAD client 10.x »

The administrator can disable the template function. If the template function is disabled, then the template object type will not be offered for searches in yuuvis® RAD client and no templates can be created, edited, or shared and no documents can be created from templates.

If you want to create an object with a document file, you can use templates when creating the document file. Depending on the configuration, certain metadata (e.g., title, date, author, etc.) may be automatically imported into predefined fields on the template for the new document file.

Templates were created by the administrator or by other users with appropriate rights. Refer to Creating Templates, Managing and Editing Templates, and Sharing Templates for a description of how to create, edit, manage, and share templates.

The templates that you can use or edit can be found using the search dialog by searching for the object type 'templates'.