Changing How Static Columns Are Displayed in Object Lists
You can customize how static columns are shown in enaio® webclient, e.g., in hit lists, at filing locations, in variant administration, in workflow files, in the favorites area, or in the history view, in the enaio® webclient user settings. You can hide, show and sort static columns. The static "Object" column can also be grouped or filtered.
The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile on a smartphone:
Due to limited screen space, the static columns in hit lists, at filing locations, in variant administration, and elsewhere are hidden on smartphones. Likewise, the setting options for the static columns are not displayed in the user menu.
The display changes if the screen of the mobile device is less than 420 pixels in width or height.

Click or tap on the
User menu icon in the main menu or your avatar image.
The user menu now opens.
Click or tap on the
Settings icon in the user menu.
The settings dialog now opens.
Select the Hit list tab and click or tap on the
Arrow icon next to the Static columns entry.
The menu for showing or hiding static columns is displayed.
Use the slider to set the required status:
Drag the slider to the right.
The corresponding static column is displayed.
Drag the slider to the left.
The corresponding static column is not displayed.
Click or tap on the Apply button to apply all changes made in the settings and close the settings dialog. Restart the client, if necessary.

Displays the icon of an object type. The icon of an object type is specified by your administrator.

Displays the icons of the MIME types for documents known in enaio®.
No icon is displayed in the File format static column in the case of documents without pages (can be identified by the Document without pages icon shown in the Archive status column), reference documents (can be identified by the
Reference document icon shown in the Archive status column), and image document objects with multiple documents in different formats.
You can customize how file format icons are displayed to meet the specific needs of your company.

Displays the archiving status of a document (see Changing the Archiving Status).

Shows whether a document is checked out or checked in (see Checking a Document In and Out).

Shows whether and how many links an object has (see Internal Links) and/or whether a folder or register has been shared with external users who do not have access to enaio® by means of enaio® coLab (see coLab Shares).

Shows whether a document has been signed.
Documents can only be signed in enaio® client.

Shows whether an object has notes and, if so, how many (see Managing Notes).

Shows whether an object has preview annotations and, if so, how many (see Preview Annotations).
The Preview annotations function in the content preview is not supported in enaio® mobile (see Preview Annotations).

Shows whether an object was set as a favorite (see Favorites).
In enaio® webclient as a desktop application and in enaio® mobile the column icon changes in offline mode. The Synchronization icon is shown instead of the star icon (
Favorite). The column then indicates whether an object was successfully synchronized (see Synchronizing Objects and Making Them Available Offline).

Displays the name of an object type. The name of the object type is specified by your administrator.
Unlike the other static columns, the column can, for example, be grouped and filtered (see Customizing Object Lists).
If you click or tap on the column header of a static column, the list will be sorted. If you click or tap on the column header again, the sorting order will be reversed. Click or tap on the column header a third time to undo the sorting. If you hide or show static columns, user-specific sorting of columns in hit lists is undone.
The user-specific configuration of static columns in enaio® webclient is taken into account on all other enaio® clients and vice versa. That means, for example, settings changes made in enaio® webclient are applied the next time enaio® webclient as a desktop application, enaio® mobile, and enaio® client are launched.
Static columns are displayed context-specific in enaio® webclient. This means that no 'Signatures' column will be shown in a hit list of folders or registers, for example, because folders or registers cannot be signed.