Checking a Document In and Out
To prevent access conflicts in enaio® when editing documents, you can check out the document file and then check it in again in enaio® after editing. As long as the document file is checked out it is read-only, which means that other enaio® users can only read the document file.
With the exception of documents that you want to edit using Microsoft Office 365, document files are checked out via the context menu using the Edit content function. See Editing Document Content for a step-by-step description on how to check out a document file.
Labeling of Checked-Out Documents
With the exception of documents that are edited in Microsoft Office 365, checked-out documents are indicated with a status icon in hit lists, at the filing location, or in inboxes, etc.

Checked out by me | You have checked out the document file for editing. Other users cannot edit the content; they can only view it. The document file can generally only be checked in again by the user who checked it out. |
Checked out by others | The document file is checked out by another user for editing. Other users cannot edit the content; they can only view it. Document files that have been checked out by other users can only be checked in by the user who checked them out. |
Active variant checked out by me | You have checked out the active variant of a document for editing. Other users cannot edit the content; they can only view it. The document file can only be checked in again by the user who checked it out. |
Active variant checked out by others | The active variant of a document has been checked out by another user for editing. Other users cannot edit the content; they can only view it. Document files that have been checked out by other users can only be checked in by the user who checked them out. |
Check in
Document files that have been checked out can be checked in again after editing. Other users can only edit checked-in documents. You can check in documents in the following ways:

Document files that have been checked out are indicated with an icon in object lists. You can check them in again using the Check in function. See Editing Document Content for a step-by-step description on how to check in a document file.

Document files you transferred to your personal external tray in enaio® webclient as a desktop application or in enaio® mobile can be checked in via the external tray via the Check in as document function you can find in the context menu (see Filing Documents from the External Tray).

If you edit document files using enaio® Office Add-In NG or Microsoft Office 365, the document files will be checked in again automatically after editing.
Documents that have been checked out can only be checked in by the user who checked them out. Likewise, a document can only be checked in on the workstation where it was checked out.
Documents that have been checked out by other users can be checked in again by users with the 'Undo the checkout for others' system role or the 'Supervisor' system role. In this case, please contact your administrator.
If document files that have been checked out for editing have been deleted from the local file system in the meantime, a message is displayed during the check-in attempt and the Check in content dialog opens. You now have the option of uploading another file to check in the document in enaio®.
If you do not want to upload the modified document file or cannot do that because it has been deleted, you can check in the document in its initial state again using the Discard changes function available in the context menu.
There are a few special situations for enaio® webclient as a desktop application and enaio® mobile when checking in documents:

If you have checked out document files in desktop application of enaio® webclient for editing in other applications, you cannot check these document files in again in enaio® until they are closed.
desktop application of enaio® webclient cannot be closed until you have checked in all the checked-out document files again. The user is notified if document files are still checked out when he or she exits or logs out of desktop application of enaio® webclient. The following options are offered to the user in a dialog:
The closing of the client or logging out is cancelled.
Check in
All document files that are checked out are checked in; any changes are applied.
Discard changes
All document files that are checked out are checked in; any changes are discarded.

In enaio® mobile, you can also check in document files with the "Share" or "Send to" function of the apps installed on your mobile device. To use this function, at least one document file must be checked out. If no document file is checked out, you can only transfer the shared or sent document file to the external tray of enaio® mobile.
When checking in a document, make sure that the document type of the checked-out document file is also compatible with the file format of the document to be checked in.
Open the document file to be checked in with an app on your mobile device. Go to the “Share” or “Send to” function of the app and select enaio® mobile as the target app. The following options are available to you in the dialog below:

File a new document object in the enaio® filing system if a filing location is opened in enaio® mobile.

A list of all checked-out document files available for check-in is offered; any changes will be applied at check in.

Transfers the selected document file to the external tray of enaio® mobile for subsequent filing in the enaio® filing system.
Document files that are linked to external applications in enaio® webclient as a desktop application are not checked out when opened and edited (see Editing Documents Linked with External Applications). Likewise, document files that you edit in offline mode in desktop application of enaio® webclient and in enaio® mobile are not checked out (see Editing Document Content Offline).
Checking a Document In and Out Using enaio® office-365-dashlet
You need to set up the access restrictions differently when using Microsoft Office 365 to edit documents:
If a user of enaio® opens a document file for editing via enaio® office-365-dashlet, the document file is only checked out when the user makes the first set of changes to the document file in the Microsoft Office 365 cloud. Only then is it possible for other users to open and edit the document file in a different application. In this case, the editor in Office 365 will receive a message indicating that changes that were made to the document file in the cloud could not be saved in enaio®.
Documents checked out using enaio® office-365-dashlet are not flagged with a status icon in hit lists, at the filing location, or in inboxes, etc.
Document files that have been checked out using enaio® can be shared with other enaio® office-365-dashlet users in the cloud for editing (see Collaborating on Editing Documents with Microsoft Office 365).
The document edited in the Microsoft Office 365 cloud is not checked in again until the last editor closes the document.