Catalogs for Text Fields

enaio® editor 10.10 »

You can assign text fields to catalogs. With catalogs, the user selects entries for indexing from lists.

Assigned catalogs are flagged using a button located behind the field on the indexing and search forms.

The following catalogs can be created:

You can assign text fields to references to catalogs which have already been assigned to other text fields. If you edit the catalogs, the changes will immediately be applied at all locations.

The catalogs lists for the current object definition are managed on enaio® server. The lists of structure tree catalogs are stored in files named by you for which you specify the path. They have to be located in a directory which can be accessed by the path by all users.

Structure tree catalogs are not shown in test mode.

The input field and the catalog button can be assigned a tooltip.

Validation checks the catalog entries for proper syntax and correct reference structures. Always validate the object definition before you make it available for other users. The character combination ']]>' is not permitted for list entries.

Aside from these catalogs, the Catalog Add-on can also be deployed. It accommodates functions of list, tree, and hierarchy catalogs and allows multiple selection for tree and hierarchy functions, too. If you want to access catalog data via scripts you can also use this add-on.

enaio® webclient does not support all catalogs and add-ons.