enaio® editor
enaio® editor is a central component for configuring the enaio®.
Use enaio® editor to
- create folders, registers, and document types for enaio®,
- create and edit the index data forms of folder, register, and document types,
- create the tables in the database for folder, register, and document types.
Setting up and configuring the folders, registers, and document types have a major impact on the experience of working with enaio®. You can make it easier for users to capture and index documents and provide them with search methods which quickly and easily lead to the desired results.
Access rights to enaio® editor can be specified in detail in enaio® administrator. Users can receive the right to start enaio® editor, to edit catalogs and object definitions, and to customize the database. You can set up specialist administrators with access to certain areas of the object definition.
You must be logged in to start enaio® editor. Features for which you do not have access rights will be unavailable. If a user has the right to edit an object definition, other users will only be able to view it in read-only mode.
Installation, Licensing, and Security System
enaio® editor is installed as a part of the administration components via the MSI package enaio_administration.msi located in the directory \Frontend\Administration\. You can start the program from the installation directory or via the configured program group. enaio® editor connects to enaio® server using the data that is entered in the file asinit.cfg located in the application directory.
The 'ASE' module must be licensed on the workstation.
The user requires the system role 'Editor: Start'. You can then start enaio® editor as well as view and edit the current object definition. With the system role 'Editor: Edit object definition' you can create and edit object definitions; you can customize the database after changes are made to the object definition if you have the system role 'Editor: Customize database'.
If only the 'AXK' module has been licensed, users with the system roles 'Editor: Start', 'Editor: Edit object definition', and 'Editor: Customize database' can import and customize databases.
If only the 'AXK' module has been licensed, users who have the system role 'Editor: Start', but not the system roles 'Editor: Edit object definition' and 'Editor: Customize database', can edit the catalogs. You do not have to modify the database fit if you are only editing catalogs.
enaio® editor logs according to the settings from the configuration file oxrpt.cfg located in the application directory.
Versions and Configurations
As a rule, configurations are upwards compatible with different enaio® versions, i.e., configurations created in earlier system versions can also be used in later system versions.
Downward compatibility is, by contrast, not guaranteed since upgrades to the enaio® platform result in new features and configuration add-ons. As a consequence, configurations created in later system versions cannot be used in earlier system versions.
It is very likely that attempting to import configurations that have been created in earlier system versions will result in new feature settings being lost, incompatibilities, and/or program errors. Therefore you must pay attention to system versions when operating test, development, and live systems and refrain from importing or activating configurations which have been created in earlier system versions. This applies to configuration files, in particular to object definitions and workflow models.