Deleting Objects and Removing Document Files
The Actions menu offers the Delete and Remove document file actions in hit lists as well as in folder and object views. What is the difference between these two actions?
You need the relevant rights for the Delete and Remove document file actions. If you do not have the corresponding rights, they will not be available to you in the actions menu.
Delete Action
The Delete action deletes a business object. Business objects in yuuvis® RAD can be folders or documents, for example. Each business object has metadata. Document objects can, but do not have to, contain a document file.
The Delete action therefore deletes the entire object (the metadata, any document file that may be included, and any existing versions). Deleted business objects are initially sent to the recycle bin (see Recycle Bin). Users with the relevant rights or the administrator can restore them from there. Deleted objects in the recycle bin are automatically removed from the system after a certain period of time depending on the configuration of your system. By default, objects are kept in the recycle bin for seven days before they are permanently deleted. Users with the relevant rights can also permanently delete objects in the recycle bin (see Deleting Permanently).
If it is not possible to delete one of the objects when deleting several of them, the action will be undone entirely and none of the objects will be deleted.
Deleting a folder deletes both the folder and the documents it contains. However, only the folder is displayed in the recycle bin, not the deleted documents it contains. Restoring a deleted folder will also restore all the documents it contained when it was deleted. Read the Recycle bin documentation to see what else you need to keep in mind when restoring a deleted folder.
Open the folder view of the folder you want to delete.
Click the folder name in the header of the folder view.
The metadata of the folder is shown in the object area.
Click the Actions menu icon in the object area.
The actions menu appears.
Click on the Delete icon in the open actions menu and confirm the confirmation dialog by clicking the OK button.
The folder view closes and the dashboard of yuuvis® RAD client is shown.
The deleted folder is shown in the recycle bin.
Alternatively, you can also delete a folder from a hit list.
Remove Document File Action
The Remove document file action is only available for business objects with document files. While the action is being carried out, only the document file is removed, while the business object itself, including its metadata, is retained.
Strictly speaking, the action creates a new version of the business object without a document file (see Object Versions). If a business object has multiple versions, only the document file of the respective active version is deleted. The document files of older versions are not affected. The deleted document file is not sent to the recycle bin.
You can restore removed document files in the version view via the Actions menu > GENERAL > Restore version. Open the version view by navigating to Actions menu > GENERAL and clicking Show versions.
You need to keep the following special situations in mind with some document files:
Objects that have been finalized cannot be deleted as long as they are finalized (see Finalizing Objects).
Users with administrator rights can undo the finalization of objects in the Actions menu > GENERAL using the Definalize action.
Users must explicitly confirm the deletion of objects in process files. The delete process checks whether an object is used in a process or not. If this is in use, the user is informed about this situation and asked if they still want to delete the object.
Objects that are part of a process file are identified by a Process icon in the header in the object area.
Document files of link documents cannot be removed because link documents cannot be edited (see Creating Link Documents). Link documents can only be deleted as business objects. If a link document is deleted, only the link document and its metadata are removed while the source object remains unaffected.
Document files locked by other users cannot be removed. The associated business object cannot be deleted either for as long as the user who locked it does not unlock it.
Locked document files can be removed by the user who locked them. Similarly, business objects of locked document files can be deleted by the user who locked them.
Removing locked document files causes the lock to be removed.