Recycle Bin

yuuvis® RAD client 10.x »

A recycle bin is available to each user if the administrator has enabled the recycle bin function for the entire system.

Business objects, such as folders and documents, that have been deleted by the user are moved to the user’s own recycle bin and remain there until the objects are permanently deleted there. You can open the recycle bin by clicking the Main menu icon Main menu icon > Recycle bin on the yuuvis® RAD bar.

The Recycle bin desktop is divided into the following areas:

Objects in the recycle bin are not included in search requests.

Restoring Objects

Business objects that have been deleted and are in the yuuvis® RAD recycle bin can be restored by the user. To do so, the user can use the actions  Restore  and  Restore and open  in the header in the object area. After clicking an action, the object is restored to the original filing location and removed from the list of deleted objects and the next object is placed in the focus. If you click the  Restore and open  action, then in addition to restoring the deleted object, the recycle bin will be closed and the original filing location of the object will be opened.

When restoring deleted business objects, you need to keep in mind the following special situations:

  • Objects with versions are restored with all versions.

  • If a folder originally contained other items, such as documents, then they will also be restored to the original filing location when restoring.

  • Documents whose original filing location (folder) was also deleted can be restored only after the folder is restored. The user will be notified by the system if this is the case.

  • Documents whose original filing location (folder) has been permanently deleted cannot be restored.

Deleting Permanently

The user needs the appropriate rights to permanently delete objects from the recycle bin.

Objects that are in the recycle bin can be permanently deleted from the yuuvis® RAD system. The user or an automated action in the system can permanently delete objects. To permanently delete business objects (folders or documents, for example) from the system, authorized users can use the Recycle bin iconRecycle bin function in the header of the object area. The icon is grayed out for unauthorized users. The tooltip indicates missing access rights.

Objects in the recycle bin that have not been permanently deleted by a user will be irretrievably removed from the system after seven days by an automated action. This time period can be changed for your specific system by the administrator.

If a deleted folder originally contained other objects, such as documents, then these are also irretrievably removed from the system when the folder is permanently deleted.

Objects that have been permanently deleted from the recycle bin cannot be restored.