Link Documents

yuuvis® RAD client 10.x »

Link documents are copies of documents linked to the original document files. For this reason, there can be only one physical document file in the system, but with multiple filing locations each with their own metadata. Link documents are marked with the reference  Link document  in the header of the object area of the selected link document (see Object area).

Creating Link Documents

Link documents can only be created from document objects that have content. Link documents cannot be created from folders or document objects without a document file. Likewise, no further link documents can be created from link documents themselves.

Editing Link Documents

When editing a link document, it is necessary to make a distinction between editing the document file and editing the metadata:

  • Editing Metadata

    You can edit the link document’s metadata at the filing location of the link document. Only the metadata of the link document can be modified irrespective of the metadata of the original document file.

  • Editing a document file

    In order to edit the document file of a link document, you will need to change to the filing location of the original document file. The filing location of the original document file can be accessed by clicking the  Link document  note in the header of the object area (see Object area).

    This is not the case if you want to edit a link document using the optional yuuvis® RAD office-365-dashlet extension.

Reference documents can be opened in a local application using the Download document file icon Download document file or Open document file icon Open document file in local application actions, but any changes you have made cannot be saved. This also applies to working with yuuvis® RAD Office Add-In (see yuuvis® RAD Office Add-In). Open reference documents can no longer be closed using the Save and check in add-in function.

If you do not have access rights for the original document file of a link document, an error message will be displayed when opening a reference document.

Deleting Link Documents

If a link document is deleted, only the link document and its metadata are removed. The source object remains unaffected (see Deleting link documents).