The Dashboard
The default yuuvis® RAD client dashboard shows the most important application information at a glance. In the header area, you will find the yuuvis® RAD bar with icons for the most frequently used features, such as the Main menu icon, the
Search icon, the
Create object icon, and the
Start process icon. You will also find the icons for the
Favorites area, the
In-tray, the
Inbox, the
User documentation, and the settings menu on the yuuvis® RAD bar.
In the case of smaller monitors or browser windows (<600 pixels wide), the Favorites,
Inbox and
User documentation icons are hidden in order to better display the yuuvis® RAD bar.
The default dashboard displays the following information:
- Unread messages
- Objects to be filed
- Search field for quick search
- Saved searches
- List of recently edited and created objects
Click the aforementioned elements to go to the corresponding linked areas or search forms. Certain areas of the dashboard are hidden, for instance, if there are no unread messages or saved searches. If you left-click the yuuvis® RAD logo while pressing Ctrl, a new tab will open with another yuuvis® RAD dashboard in your browser.
Dashboard Customization Options
The dashboard may differ from the above description as it can be customized by the company or by the specific user even.
There are different default features in yuuvis® RAD client that your administrator can adapt to fit the requirements of your company and for this reason are not available on the dashboard (see yuuvis® RAD client Modifications).
Users can customize the appearance directly on the dashboard and save different dashboards for user-specific purposes. The default dashboard can be edited by clicking the Edit widget icon in the footer; however, it cannot be deleted or renamed. New dashboards are created by clicking the
Create dashboard icon in the footer and assigning a name to the dashboard, which cannot be longer than 50 characters.

Click the
Create dashboard icon in the dashboard footer if you want to create a new dashboard. Select the Dashboard button or another button in the footer bar and then click the
Edit widget icon if you want to customize the default dashboard or another dashboard you have created.
The dashboard customization interface appears.
Click the
Widget selection icon on the dashboard customization interface.
The Widget selection menu appears.
The Widget selection menu provides you with the following design options:
Objects to be filed
The list of objects to be filed is also a design element, which you already know from the default dashboard; however, you can give its own name in the Objects to be filed widget dialog.
If you do not want to place this widget on your dashboard, then you can also get the information about objects to be filed from the yuuvis® bar (see The In-tray).
Task list
If you want to add a task list to your dashboard, click the Task list item in the Widget selection menu and enter a title for the task list in the widget dialog that opens. The maximum length of the task list's title is 50 characters.
If you then accepted the task list widget, you can enter tasks in a list on the customized dashboard via an input field, which you can sort, check off, and delete individually. The maximum length of a task description is 50 characters.
You can place several task lists on your dashboard. The task lists are automatically saved centrally. These are then available to you on all workstations or devices that you log on to in yuuvis® RAD.
In order to upload an image from your local file system to the widget, click the Image item in the Widget selection menu followed by the
Select image icon in the Image widget dialog that appears. You cannot upload images larger than 5 MB. The widget supports *.gif, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, and *.svg files.
You can use the chart widget to integrate the results of saved search requests (see Saving Searches) into your dashboard. After you have selected a chart type (Bar, Line – straight, Line – curve, Pie, Ring) and a saved search request in the Chart widget dialog (mandatory fields), you will be offered further configuration options:
Attribute for aggregation (mandatory field)
Here you select which attribute is to be used for display in your chart.
If the selected search only returns hits of a single object type, then the following attributes are listed:
Organization: Last name, first name
Date: Today, Yesterday, This week, Last week, This month, Last month, This year, and Last year
Catalogs and their values
Strings and their values
Integers and their values
Booleans with values 0 or 1
Decimal numbers are not offered.
If the selected search returns hits with different or no object types, the following attributes are listed:
Created attribute (default)
Aggregation: 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'This week', 'Last week', 'This month', 'Last month', 'This year', and 'Last year'
Edited attribute
Aggregation: 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'This week', 'Last week', 'This month', 'Last month', 'This year', and 'Last year'
File class attribute
Aggregation: all affected file types (e.g., PDF, Word, Excel, etc.)
File size attribute
Aggregation: 'without file', 'Small (<1 MB)', 'Medium (1–10 MB)', 'Large (10–100 MB)' and 'Very large (>100 MB)'
Type attribute
Aggregation: all affected object types
Partial values (mandatory field)
Defines the number of values displayed in the chart. The smallest partial value is 3 and the largest 20. The default setting is ten partial values.
Depending on the hits returned by the saved search or other attributes selected, the number of partial values displayed may be smaller than the number of partial values specified.
You can use this function to display the data determined differentiated by day, week, month, or year, depending on the selected attribute (if date values are available for the hits obtained, such as 'Created on').
If you select one of the chart types Bar, Line – straight, or Line – curve, you are also free to choose any label for the x- and y-axes, in addition to being able to assign the chart title.
Threshold value, interval, and start point
If you select an attribute with numerical values (for example, invoice amount, file size, etc.), the selection fields for the threshold value, interval, start point, and metric are displayed in the next step. You can also enter a title for the chart and labels for the axes.
The minimum and maximum values displayed in the chart preview help you to configure the chart.
Count threshold
The threshold value determines when hits are displayed in the chart. If the number of hits is less than the threshold value, they are not displayed.
The saved search is searching for invoices and you want to show the file type of the hits. If the threshold value is 0, all file types are displayed, even though there is no invoice with the Excel file type, for example. If the threshold value is 1, only the file types for which at least one invoice was found are displayed.
The interval determines the value at which hits are consolidated in the chart.
If the interval is 500, for example, invoices are consolidated as partial values of €0–500, €500–1,000, €1,000–1,500, and so forth.
Start point
The start point defines the value above which the partial values are to be shown in the interval view in the chart.
If the start point is 500, for example, only invoices of over €500 would be displayed. The invoices in the interval of €0–500 would not be displayed.
If you choose one of the chart types Bar, Pie, or Ring and an attribute (not of the type 'date' or 'number'), then the function for displaying the metric is available for your data. You can use this function to show the revenue for the three most important customers for the last month or year, for example.
Attribute for metric
Select the attribute for displaying the metric of the hits and data returned by the saved search in the chart.
This is where you specify which method (Average, Maximum, Median, Minimum, and Total) is used when displaying the metric in the chart.
Show count in the legend
If you enable the checkbox, you can make the number of partial values visible in the chart legend. Users no longer have to hover with the mouse over the segments of the chart to see the number of partial values.
If you have applied the widget, it will offer you additional functions on the customized dashboard.
Widget functions
Open in search dialog
Opens the search dialog with the search criteria of the saved search request. You can adjust the search request in the search dialog.
Open in hit list
Opens the hit list of the saved search selected in the widget. The hit list view is displayed in a new browser window when you simultaneously press the Ctrl key while clicking the
Open in hit list icon.
Starts the saved search request linked to the widget and updates the hit list displayed in the widget.
Quick search
You can add the quick search field, as you know it from the default dashboard, to your customized dashboard by simply clicking the entry in the Widget selection menu.
Signature statistics
This widget supports you when working with signatures. You can use the widget to find out how many documents of which object type are in the process of being signed or have already been signed, for example. Various configuration options are available for the evaluation of the signature statistics.
The use of the widget for signature statistics is subject to the following conditions:
The yuvsigning object type is integrated in the yuuvis® RAD system.
The user needs to have the Use signature statistics system role.
Widget configuration
Configuration feature Description Title Character string that is displayed in the header of the widget with a maximum of 50 characters. Document type This is a catalog that offers all available object types. All available object types are searched for if nothing is selected. Attribute for aggregation You can aggregate according to various index data in this field. Please contact your administrator for the details of input syntax. Status Enables aggregation according to a specific signing status such as completed or incomplete signing processes. Signature type Enables aggregation according to a specific signature type such as simple, extended, and qualified.
From Restricts the aggregation to a specific time period. To Hit count
You can use this widget to integrate the results of saved search requests (see Saving Searches) into your dashboard as the number of hits. After you have selected a saved search request in the Hit count widget dialog, you are offered further configuration options, such as the thresholds for displaying the number of hits (green = everything's OK; yellow = warning; red = critical). If the hit count is zero, you can specify that the widget is not to be displayed.
If you have applied the widget, it will offer you additional functions on the customized dashboard.
Widget functions
Open in search dialog
Opens the search dialog with the search criteria of the saved search request. You can adjust the search request in the search dialog.
Open in hit list
Opens the hit list of the saved search selected in the widget. The hit list view is displayed in a new browser window when you simultaneously press the Ctrl key while clicking the
Open in hit list icon.
Starts the saved search request linked to the widget and updates the hit list displayed in the widget.
Hit list
You can use this widget to integrate the results of saved search requests (see Saving Searches) into your dashboard as a hit list. After you have selected a saved search request in the Hit list widget dialog, you are offered further configuration options, such as labeling hits or sorting them according to various criteria.
If you have applied the widget, it will offer you additional functions on the customized dashboard.
Widget functions
Open in search dialog
Opens the search dialog with the search criteria of the saved search request. You can adjust the search request in the search dialog.
Open in hit list
Opens the hit list of the saved search selected in the widget. The hit list view is displayed in a new browser window when you simultaneously press the Ctrl key while clicking the
Open in hit list icon.
Starts the saved search request linked to the widget and updates the hit list displayed in the widget.
Unread messages
The list of unread messages is also a design element, which you already know from the default dashboard and that you can give its own name in the Unread messages widget dialog.
If you do not want to place this widget on your dashboard, then you can also get the information about unread messages from the yuuvis® bar (see Inbox).
To add a webpage to your dashboard, you need to click the Webpage item in the Widget selection menu and enter a full and valid URL and title in the Webpage widget dialog that opens. If the URL input is correct, then you will see a preview of the web page in the widget dialog.
Due to special technological reasons, it may happen that webpages cannot be shown despite entering a correct URL.
Recently edited and created objects
You can also customize the list of recently edited or recently created objects on your dashboard by clicking the Recently edited and created objects entry in the Widget selection menu. In the widget dialog, you can choose whether you want to see only the most recently edited objects, only the most recently created objects, or both lists. You can also specify in the widget dialog the number of objects displayed as well as the sorting in the lists.
After making a selection in the widget list, you can now set the size and position of the widgets in the dashboard customization interface.
If you click the
Move widget icon in the header of a widget and press and hold the left mouse button, then you can move the widget on the dashboard customization interface. If you drag your mouse over the edge of a widget and the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, then you can adjust the size of the widget by pressing and holding the left mouse button.
You can open the corresponding widget dialog once again by clicking the
Edit widget icon in the header of a widget. If you click the
Remove icon, the widget will be deleted from the dashboard customization interface.
To finish, enter a dashboard name in the input field in the footer of the dashboard customization interface. The dashboard name cannot be longer than 50 characters.
The name of the default dashboard cannot be changed. You can enter a new name for dashboards that have already been created in order to customize them.
Confirm the creation or customization of the dashboard by clicking the Apply button in the footer.
The dashboard customization interface will close and the newly created or customized dashboard will be displayed.
Showing and Hiding the Dashboard Footer
The dashboard footer can be hidden and shown again. If you click the Hide dashboard configuration icon at the bottom right of the dashboard, the footer will no longer be shown. To show the hidden footer again, click the
Show dashboard configuration icon at the bottom right of the dashboard. The dashboard footer settings are saved when you exit the view.