Details Preview
The details preview in the preview area shown the object properties (index data, basic parameters, etc.) of an object. Mark a document in an object list (hit list, folder view, or inbox, for example) and click or tap the Details preview icon in the preview area to display the object properties. The object properties will be shown until a different object is selected in the object list.
The preview area is located to the right of the workspace in enaio® webclient and in the desktop application of enaio® webclient (see User Interface).
The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile:
In enaio® mobile, open the preview area by
- tapping on a document in an object list (e.g., in a hit list, at a filing location, in the favorites area) (single touch).
- selecting an object (for example, folders, registers, and documents) from an object list and clicking the
Show object function in the context menu.
The preview area will then move on top of the workspace.
The detail preview also shows information about workflows and follow-ups, the history, and notes related to the object. The buttons for workflows, notes, and follow-ups are numbered if there is data in these areas.
The following additional functions are available in the details preview:
Icon | Function | Description |
Index data |
Shows the index data of a selected object. Index data is grouped. The data for each table is shown in a separate area alongside the index data on the index data form. Object properties (basic parameters) are also displayed in an area. |
Workflows | Shows whether workflows are connected to the selected object. In the case of objects located in a workflow file, the process data is displayed (see Workflows in enaio®). |
History | The history lists what actions and changes have been carried out on or made to the object. In addition to the history entries, the users who triggered the actions or who made the changes, as well as the date and time of the events, are displayed (see Object History). |
Notes |
If notes have been added to objects, they are shown here with the date and user name. You can add, edit, and delete notes using the functions in the details view for notes (see Managing Notes). Preview annotations are displayed in object lists in the Notes static column. |
Follow-ups | If you have set up follow-ups for objects, the follow-up data will be displayed here. Follow-ups for objects that other users have set up for you are also displayed here. You can manage follow-ups in the main menu (see Managing Follow-ups). |
The document is checked out by... |
Shows whether the document displayed in the detail preview is checked out. The tooltip of the icon also shows who checked out the document and when it was checked out. This icon only appears if the displayed document is checked out (see Checking a Document In and Out). |