The Card View

enaio® webclient 10.10 »

The card view displays an object list in card form. The card view is available in hit lists, filing locations, the folder view, and the history view in enaio® webclient and enaio® webclient as a desktop application.

The card view is not available on smartphones. enaio® mobile will support the card view on tablets from version 11.0.

Users can switch between the Table view icon Table view and the Card view icon Card view using the More actions icon More actions menu in the header of an object list. The layout type of object lists can be changed and saved.

Card Contents

The cards have a title consisting of the index data of the first configured field in the hit list configuration. The description of the cards is composed of two additional index data fields configured in the hit list configuration. The cards show the file type next to the object type icon. The number of images is displayed on the card instead of the file type for image object types that have more than one image file as content. Reference documents are also marked as such in the corresponding card. The card view also displays when documents are checked out.

The card view of full-text hit lists displays the object type as the title, a text passage with the search term found in it, the quality and, if applicable, the file type.

The cards in the history view show information about the last action and the date of the action.

Context Menu

Each entry in an object list has a corresponding context menu. The context menu provides a range of different functions you can use to edit the selected object. If a user positions their cursor over a card, the context menu is available for it. The context menu can be opened by the user via the Actions icon Actions menu on the card or via the right mouse button.

The following applies if you are using enaio® webclient on a tablet:

Open the context menu in enaio® webclient on tablets by pressing an entry and holding it in the object list.

Multiple Selection

To select multiple objects in the card view, use the left mouse button while holding down Ctrl or Shift. Holding the Ctrl key allows you to select several lines that are not immediately next to each other. Holding the Shift key will select all the rows between the first and last selections. The selected objects will be highlighted afterwards.

Multi-selection is not available in the card view in enaio® webclient on tablets.

Default Actions

Your administrator can configure a default action for document objects. The default action gives you an alternative method to access some functions from the context menu.

The card view in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application does not support double-clicking. If you drag your mouse over a card in the Card view icon Card view, then a round action area with an icon for the default action will be displayed. Clicking this icon will trigger the default action.

Default actions are not available in the card view in enaio® webclient on tablets.