Editing Work Items

enaio® webclient 11.10 »

To use workflows, users require the system role Use workflow.

A workflow model consists of several work items and different activities. Work items can be opened and edited in the My incoming messages icon My incoming messages inbox. You can open the My incoming messages icon My incoming messages inbox via the Inbox icon Inbox icon in the main menu.

You can open a work item selected in the My incoming messages icon My incoming messages inbox via the context menu or by double-clicking (enaio® webclient and enaio® webclient as a desktop application) or tapping (enaio® mobile) on it.

If you have opened a work item for editing, this work item will automatically be personalized for you and will therefore be locked for other users (see Personalizing Work Items and Clearing Personalizations).

A work item opened for editing consists of a 'Data sheet' workflow form and a workflow file. It can also contain additional areas, such as a workflow log or a circulation slip. You can toggle between the 'Data sheet', 'File', 'Log' and other areas via the Arrow icon Arrow icon in the header area.

Saving or Discarding Changes

If you want to save changes to a work item after editing it, you have to distinguish between changes in the workflow areas (data sheet, file, and circulation slip) and changes to objects in the enaio® filing system:

  • Data sheet workflow area

    All data entries or changes in the workflow forms of the Data sheet area are undone when you press the Cancel icon Back button, or they are saved when you close the work item by closing Save icon Save or Forward icon Forward.

  • Circulation slip workflow area

    The same applies if you compile your own ad-hoc workflow in the Circulation slip workflow area or adapt or edit an existing circulation slip. Clicking or tapping on the Cancel icon Back button undoes the changes, whereas the Forward icon Forward and Save icon Save buttons save the changes.

  • File workflow area

    You need to distinguish between changes in the workflow area and changes to objects in the enaio® filing system when making changes to objects in the File workflow area.

    • Changes in the file

      If you create a new document in a file, move objects between the workspace and info area, or remove documents from the file, these changes must be saved when you close the work item if you want to keep them. The changes will also be applied if you forward the work item when closing it. The changes will be discarded only if you press the Cancel icon Back button.

      If you remove an object in the file, you only remove the object's link to the file. The object itself remains in the filing system.

    • Changes in the enaio® filing system

      If you change the index data of an object in a file, for example, you need to determine whether or not to save the changes when you close the index data form and not when you close the work item. The same applies, for example, when you edit the content of documents in a file, subscribe to objects, or mark them for follow-up. If you assign an object type or a filing location to a document without type or without a filing location in the file, this is done in the enaio® filing system and cannot be undone when you Cancel icon Back the work item.