Workflows in enaio®

enaio® webclient 11.10 »

Workflows in enaio® are used to digitalize and automate business processes. This means that a digital workflow is a software-driven workflow. A workflow model is required in order to digitalize business processes using workflows.

Workflow Model

A workflow model consists of several work items and different activities. It determines the following:

  • which users can initialize the modeled workflow

  • which activity follows a given activity

  • what an activity consists of

  • which users execute an activity as a work item

  • the documents that can be placed in the record of a workflow

  • the data and objects that are forwarded from one work item to the next

  • which deadlines have to be met

  • how to terminate a workflow.

Workflow Organization

In addition to the workflow model, a workflow includes users who are assigned to the workflow model. Users are managed as objects in an organization. Each user is assigned to one or more roles, which determine who can start a workflow and who can forward which work items, for example. The workflow organization is also used to manage the personalization of work items, the presence or absence of workflow participants and their substitutes, etc.

Workflow Types

Workflow models are divided into the following types in enaio®:

Structured workflows Ad-hoc workflow Smart-structured workflows

A structured workflow is characterized by a strictly defined sequence of work items and activities.

In an ad-hoc workflow, you are free to choose the sequence of work items and activities. A smart-structured workflow adds ad-hoc activities at predefined points to structured workflow models.

Workflows can be started with or without objects, and have the following features:

Workflows without objects Workflows with objects
  • Form-based workflows

  • A typical workflow without an object is the leave workflow.

  • Are started in the Startable workflows icon Startable workflows inbox.

  • Object-related workflows

  • A typical workflow with an object is the invoice approval workflow.

  • Can be started from many locations within enaio® (e.g., in hit lists, in the navigation area of a folder or register, in a workflow file, in the follow-up inbox, or on the desktop).

  • Adds selected objects (one or more documents, registers, or folders) when the workflow file is started.

Administration and Management of Workflows

Workflows can be managed and edited in the following areas in enaio® webclient:

My incoming messages icon My incoming messages inbox Current workflows icon Current workflows inbox

The work items that have been started are displayed in the My incoming messages inbox, where they can be further edited and forwarded.

Depending on the configuration of the workflow model, the first work item of a workflow that has been started can also be displayed in other users’ inboxes.

Workflows that you started are also displayed in the Current workflows inbox because you, as workflow initiator, are automatically the process owner.

The following functions are available in the My incoming messages inbox in the context menu:

  • Open work items for editing

  • Personalize/Clear personalization

  • Set as read/Set as unread

The following functions are available in the Current workflows inbox via the context menu:

The details preview of a selected object shows whether workflows are linked to the selected object. In the case of objects located in a workflow file, the process data is displayed.

Specific Workflows

Workflow models can be adapted to the specific needs of your company. Your administrator documents these workflow models. The following workflow models are included with enaio®, and are documented in this help:

Standard ad-hoc workflows with circulation slips Taskflow

The standard ad-hoc workflow allows you to spontaneously and easily model workflows for different purposes. This includes, for example, for approval, for polls, or for task distribution (see Using Standard Ad-Hoc Workflows with Circulation Slips).

The taskflow is a workflow that is used for simple task distribution. In a few clicks or taps you can distribute a task to participants that is then automatically returned to you as the initiator after editing (see Taskflow).

To use workflows, users require the system role Use workflow.