The taskflow is a workflow that is used for simple task distribution (also see Workflows in enaio®). In a few clicks or taps you can distribute a task to participants that is automatically returned to you as the initiator after editing.
As with other workflows, you start a taskflow via the context menu of a selected object or from the Startable workflows inbox (see Starting Workflows). After starting the taskflow, go to the
My incoming messages inbox and open the first work item of the taskflow ('Initialization').
A work item opened for editing consists of a Data sheet workflow form and a workflow file. It can also contain additional elements, such as a workflow log or a circulation slip. You can toggle between the Data sheet, File, Log, and other areas via the Arrow icon in the header area.

The Data sheet shows the workflow form of the open work item. It contains several editable fields:
Task description
The Task description field must be filled in the first time that the 'Initialization' work item is carried out. For example, the entry is displayed as the 'subject' of the taskflow in the inboxes.
The Task field is used to define the type of task. For editing, For validation, For approval, and For notice are available as options.
Once the participant has completed the task, the comments entered and options selected for the For validation, For approval, and For notice tasks are displayed in the data sheet of the following work item and can also be viewed in the log in all subsequent work items.
The For editing task also allows the participant in the next work item to assign a task to other participants, which in turn is returned to him or her as the initiator after processing.
In addition to For editing, For validation, For approval, and For notice tasks, Completed, Not completed, and Follow-up inquiry are other options available. 'Follow-up inquiry' facilitates direct communication between the initiator and participant and therefore contains just one text input field in the next work item.
Due on
A due date can be specified in the Due on field. A work item whose due date has elapsed is indicated in the
My incoming messages and
Current workflows inboxes with a
Exclamation mark icon.
Use the
User add-on to select the participants who you want to receive the work item. One or more users and roles can be selected as participants.
End process
You can complete the taskflow by ticking the End process checkbox. The taskflow is then forwarded to the inbox of the first initiator in the next work item. When the 'Result' work item is forwarded by the first initiator, the taskflow is finally ended.
Ticking the End process checkbox discards other options activated in the same work item, such as selecting a task or entering a comment, when it is forwarded. However, the selection of a task is entered in the 'Result' work item in the log.

The file contains the objects that were selected when the workflow was started or that were added while a work item was being completed. You can find additional information on workflow files under Editing Work Items.

All work items of the taskflow are logged for all participants to see in the log. In addition to the date, time, type of activity, and process owner, the results of the 'Approval', 'Check', and 'Confirmation of Notice' activities of the individual participants are recorded in the Log column.