Upcoming Discontinuations for enaio® version 12.0 and Later

enaio® 11.10 »

With the release of enaio® version 11.10 on 30 September 2024, the following versions are undergoing maintenance: version 10.10, version 11.0, and version 11.10.

Version information

Release End of life date
10.0 With the release of enaio® version 11.0 on 30 June 2023.
9.10 With the release of enaio® version 11.0 on 30 June 2023.
9.0 SP1 With the release of enaio® version 10.0 on 31 May 2021.
8.50 SP1 With the release of enaio® version 10.0 on 31 May 2021.

8.10 SP1

Since 2019 with the release of enaio® version 9.0.
8.0 Since 2018 with the release of enaio® version 8.50.

The following components will be discontinued with the release of enaio® version 11.10 and later: