Viewing Search Results in Hit Lists

enaio® webclient 11.0 »

The result of a search request is shown as a hit list. Hit lists contain information about object properties and index data of the found search results. You can customize how the content looks and is displayed.

Hit List Views

You can choose between different layouts for the view of a hit list, which you can select via the header of a hit list in enaio® webclient and in enaio® webclient as a desktop application.

Types of Hit Lists

You will be shown different hit lists depending on the type of search:

Options to Customize Hit Lists

You can change the appearance of hit lists in the following ways:

Context Menu

Each entry in a hit list has a corresponding context menu. The functions offered to you in the context menu depend on the object type of the selected entry and the context. A reduced number of editing features are available in the context menu in offline mode.

You will find more information on the The Context Menu page.

Opening Filing Locations

Each entry in a hit list has a filing location in the enaio® filing system. This filing location is also called a location. To get to this location, you have the following options:

Default Actions

The entries in a hit list can be linked to one of several different default actions. This default action gives you a faster, alternative method to access some functions from the context menu. Your administrator determines what default action is triggered.

You will find more information on the Default Actions page.

Hit Lists with One Hit

If a hit list generated by a search request has only one hit, then – if this hit is a document – one of the following 1-hit hit list actions is executed:

  • No action – the hit list is shown.

  • The index data is opened for editing.

  • The index data is opened for viewing.

  • The document is checked out and downloaded. In the case of image documents, a dialog opens for editing the content. In the case of W-Documents, the document will be downloaded immediately. An information dialog will be shown if the document is already checked out.

  • The document content is offered for download (requires the Export document contents system role).

  • The document content is offered for download as a PDF (requires the Export document contents system role).

  • The document content is offered for download as a PDF. In the case of image documents, each image is additionally marked with a watermark (requires the Print documents system role).

The 1-hit hit list action is defined by your administrator.

Viewing Search Results in the Preview Area

Document contents and object properties (index data and basic parameters) of an object marked in the hit list are shown in the preview area.

You can find information on how to use the preview area and the functions it offers in The Preview Area.