Editing Document Content

enaio® webclient 11.0 »

enaio® offers numerous options for editing document content. The following table presents an overview of the editing options in enaio® for document content.

  enaio® webclient enaio® webclient as a desktop application enaio® mobile enaio® client
Edit image document x x x x
Edit W-Documents x x


Edit W-Documents using enaio® Office Add-In NG   x   x
Edit W-Documents using enaio® office-365-dashlet x1 x1   x1
Edit documents linked with external applications   x2    
Edit documents using enaio® coLab x2 x2 x2 x2
Edit documents in offline mode   x2 x2  

1 Document content can be edited by more than one user at the same time.

2 Documents are not checked out while they are being edited.

In general, all editing procedures follow the principle: download document file from enaio® to the local operating system or upload it to the cloud, edit it in the corresponding application, save it, and then upload it back to the enaio® filing system. For some editing procedures, you must perform these work items manually; for others, they are performed automatically in the background by the applications used.

To avoid access conflicts, some editing procedures check out the document file in enaio® while it is being edited. The document file is read-only, which means that other enaio® users can only read the document file. Document files that have been checked out using enaio® office-365-dashlet can be edited by several enaio® users.

Checked-out documents are indicated with a status icon in hit lists, at the filing location, or in inboxes, etc. with the following exceptions:

  • Checked-out documents on smartphones.

  • Checked-out documents that are edited using enaio® office-365-dashlet.

See Checking a Document In and Out for additional information on access restrictions when editing.

If you have edited the content of an object, the edits you have made will be automatically stored in the object history as an event (see Object History).

You need to keep in mind the following situations when editing documents:

  • The content of archived documents cannot be edited.

  • E-mail content cannot be edited.

  • Documents without pages can be added to document content depending on the configuration of the object type and your rights. You can identify documents without pages in object lists (e.g., in hit lists or at a filing location) by the Document without pages icon Document without pages icon shown in the Archiving status column.

  • W-Documents and image documents are retained in their current form, even if all document files are deleted. They do not become documents without pages.