Editing Document Content Offline
enaio® webclient as a desktop application and enaio® mobile support working in offline mode. enaio® webclient does not support offline mode.
The document files are not checked out when editing documents in offline mode. Documents are edited in offline mode in three steps.
The first step is to transfer the documents to the local device (see Synchronizing Objects and Making Them Available Offline).
In the second step, export and edit the documents on the local device in offline mode.
Users require the Export document contents system role in order to export objects.
Select a document whose content you want to edit in the favorites area of the main menu.
Open the context menu.
Click or tap on the Export icon in the context menu and select Content in the submenu.
A dialog for filing documents in the local file system will appear.
Save the document in the local file system.
Open, edit, and save the document with the appropriate application on your local computer or device.
In the third step, add the edited documents as a new variant to the enaio® filing system.
When your local computer or device reconnects to the enaio® server, start the desktop application of enaio® webclient or enaio® mobile.
Select the document whose content has been edited (e.g., in a hit list, in the inbox, or at a filing location).
Open the context menu.
Click or tap on Variant administration in the context menu of the document.
This feature is only available if the document is not checked out.
The variant administration now opens.
In variant administration, use the variant creation functions in the context menu to create a new main variant, parallel variant, or sub-variant (see Managing Variants).
The Create variant dialog will open with an index data form and an Add content area containing a copy of the selected document shown as a thumbnail preview in the workspace.
The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile on a smartphone:
On smartphones, open the Add content area by tapping the Plus icon in the title bar of the Creation dialog.
Delete the existing document in the Add content area by clicking or tapping on the icon in the thumbnail preview.
The copy with the thumbnail preview will be deleted.
In the Add content area, a Plus icon appears with the message Click here or drag files here for upload.
There are several ways you can now add edited documents as a variant:
from the local file system
In the dialog, click or tap in the area with the Plus icon and select a file from the local file system in the selection dialog. Alternatively, you can drag and drop a file onto the area using the Plus icon.
The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile:
On smartphones, open the Add content area by tapping the Plus icon in the title bar of the Creation dialog.
The drag-and-drop function is not supported in enaio® mobile.
In the case of object types that allow images, you can access the camera or local file system by:
tapping on the Camera or Folder icon in the Add content area if the device you are using runs on the Android operating system.
tapping on the Add content area if you are using an iOS device.
Alternatively, you can share a file with another app on your device in enaio® mobile. The file is then automatically loaded in the Add content area in enaio® mobile.
The document is uploaded and displayed as a thumbnail preview in the Add content area.
from the external tray
If you transferred the edited document to the external tray for later filing in the enaio® filing system (see Transferring Documents to the External Tray), the From external tray tab will be displayed in the Add content area. Click or tap on the listed document in the From external tray tab to add it to the new variant.
Complete the fields in the index data form.
Click or tap on the Save icon.
The index data form containing the Add content area closes.
The new variant is added in Variant administration.
In variant administration, select the new variant and click or tap on the Set as active command in the context menu.
The selected variant is shown in variant administration with a Check mark icon.
Click or tap on the Close icon.
Variant administration closes, and the edited document is transferred to the enaio® filing system.
Alternatively, users of the desktop application of enaio® webclient can also transfer edited documents to the external tray where they can then be saved as a variant of a document. You can find information on how to file a document from the external tray as a variant in Filing Documents from the External Tray.