Customer and Project

enaio® data2ecm 11.0 »

Here is an example to explain the settings you will need to make under Customizing.


A new customer with an ID and a name is created via the root context menu. The customer name can also be changed at a later time.

Next, you need to manage the Connection Settings under 'External systems'.

If you are making further changes to the settings as part of customizing, a working connection to a enaio® system is necessary in order to use input help when entering the object definition.


A new project along with the name (can also be changed at a later time), project number, and variant is created via the context menu of the customer, or a project previously copied from the clipboard is added.


If you wish the project to be a Upstream Project or Retention Project, you can specify this here.

After creating the project, you can then manage the project properties.

The project group can be used to group different projects in the customizing tree. Example:

Enter the following project settings and save them:



Project group

Optional/groups various projects together in the customizing tree

Business add-on

Select the retrieval class
(see Business Add-ons/Data Procurement Classes)

Communication format

Select the data output format:

Dynamic change to OS cabinet

If this option is selected, the cabinet can be set dynamically depending on the SAP® values (for example, company code) by using a modification class (to be entered in the project tree under Data modifications).

Response to errors

Program response to external errors: ignore, warning, or error

SAP system

System ID

OS system

Was entered under 'External systems' (see Connection Settings); can be selected using input help


Name of the non-technical cabinet in enaio® that will collect the exported data; can be selected using input help

Note: It is also recommended that you define a cabinet if it is determined dynamically during the data output process or if data is output via a file to ensure that the object definition can be accessed during customizing and that input help can be used.

Internal cabinet name

Optional; auto-populated if cabinet input help is used

File name

The file name must be entered for the communication formats /OSGMBH/DX_EXPORTER_CLASSIFY, /OSGMBH/DX_EXPORTER_FILE, and /OSGMBH/DX_EXPORTER_XMLFILE. If this is the case, the cabinet name is ignored when data is output.

Object type

Business object type of the documents to be output with this project; can be selected using input help.

Document type

Document type of the documents to be output with this project; can be selected using input help; must be linked with object type and content repository (see Connection Settings) (transaction OAC3)


For mass archiving, the transfer of documents of certain types can be delayed until the next run of the queue job.


This box must be ticked if, in addition to the index data of the documents, you also want to transfer the retention date from the link table to the archiving system (see Retention Management).

The following functions are available to you in the project context menu:




The project data can be assigned to an SAP® transport order. The customer is also transported automatically at this time as well.

Export without document type assignment

This export variant can be used if you do not want to transfer the existing document type assignment to the target system.

Copy project to clipboard

Projects can be copied and then added under the same or another client or project group. The following project properties are not copied (these must then be entered manually):

  • Assignment of cabinet to the SAP® systems

  • Allocation of document type to the object types

Connection test

The connection to the enaio® is tested using the project-specific parameters.

Delete (only in edit mode)

The project is deleted.


Objects are now added to create the project structure.

You can use the functions available in the context menu to import them from enaio®.

During the import process, the available objects can be selected.

These objects can now be assigned various properties (header data). You can use input help to assign them.

System-specific alternatives can be maintained for the internal object names.

This can be used, for example, to address a test cabinet and a production cabinet on an enaio® system that have different internal names for cabinets and registers.

The field definition can be performed manually (using the standard SAP® functions) or imported from enaio®.

The icons behind the field length indicate the enaio® data type. The format class /OSGMBH/DX_FRM_XFLAG_TO_INT (for conversion from X to 1) is entered automatically for checkboxes.

The read-only field is used in Customizing for information purposes after the object definition has been read if fields are write-protected there.

If you want to transfer the contents of these fields, you will need to untick the read-only checkbox in the field table and enable the 'IGNORE_READONLY' parameter.

You can use two other flags to define whether the contents of individual fields should be excluded from the transfer:

With 'No update', data is only transferred when new objects are created; the field is omitted when existing objects are updated.

After selecting the fields, you now have to decide how to populate them.

For example, SAP® object and SAP® field are filled, for which input help is available. This contains the most important fields provided by the business add-on. Additional fields can be filled in manually.

Other options for populating fields include:

  • Fixed value

  • Class for value (for value determination)

  • Format class (for value changes)

The following format classes are supplied by default:

Class name

Short description


Prepare numerical values for Classify


Delete leading zeroes


Plain text name for SAP® login


Month from date


Year from date


Insert leading zeroes


SAP® login plus "(g)"


SAP® login plus "(u)"


Remove spaces


Remove special characters


'X' > 0; SPACE > 1


SPACE > 0; 'X' > 1

Data Modifications

You can use the context menu of data modifications (in the project tree under Objects) to add modification classes, change their sequence, and delete them.

There are preconfigured modification classes available. Refer to user help to find out how they work.

Examples of modification classes:


This class links several values of a field (e.g., from the positions) to a new field.


This modification class can be used to concatenate the values of different fields.


This class reads one or more records from any table.


The modification class can be used to read additional data generically.


This modification class reads the additional ArchiveLink data for a link, provided that the ArchiveLink extension is enabled.
   If this is not the case, empty fields will be output.

The modification classes can be used more than once in a project.


Additional parameters can be defined on a project-specific basis in the Parameters branch.

Examples of optional parameters that can be assigned when using the /OSGMBH/DX_EXPORTER_REST communication format include:




Ignore read-only flag


Ignore field catalogs


Ignore mandatory field flag

Examples of optional parameters that can be assigned for special retrieval classes include:

Business add-on





Flag for tax lines



Order reference not required