Retention Project
A retention project is created if no index data is to be transferred and only the functions relating to the retention time are to be used (see Retention Management). This is necessary, for example, when setting the retention time at a later time or when deleting documents after the retention period has expired.
The main purpose of the retention project is to identify the OS system and technical cabinet(s) that will be used. As a result, you only need to maintain the target OS systems in the retention project. It is not necessary to assign document types.
When accessing a document (in order to set the retention time or delete the document), its complete link entry is known. The target OS system is determined via the setting in the project. Conversely, the name of the technical cabinet is obtained from the cross-project repository assignment.
If a document type is nonetheless assigned in the retention project, this activates the link to the ArchiveLink event when a link entry is created. This project is then executed when a document link is created. However, only the retention time is set; no index data is transferred.