Retention Management
Documents can be assigned a retention time in SAP® ArchiveLink®. The end of the retention time is stored in the ArchiveLink link tables in the DEL_DATE field.
enaio® data2ecm lets you to take into account the retention time when filing a document in the archiving system:
The value for the retention time of a document is transferred to the archiving system.
Before the value is transferred, the system checks whether the value for the new date is higher than any existing values in the 'Retention Date' and 'Planned Retention Date' fields in enaio®. Apart from that, a warning message is generated, and the value in enaio® is not changed. -
Documents whose maximum retention time has been reached can be deleted in the archiving system, as can their link entry in SAP®.
Certain settings changes must be made in enaio® data2ecm Customizing before you can use this functionality (see Customer and Project and Retention Project).