Managing Project Members

enaio® coLab 10.10 »

Project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role have the option of managing the participants of the project rooms they are members of in the settings view. Click the Settings icon Settings icon in the header of enaio® coLab to open the settings view.

Project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can change the role of project members and delete project memberships in the Members settings area in the settings view. The changes only apply to membership in one project room. Membership in other project rooms remains unaffected by the changes.

Changing the Roles of Project Members

Project room owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can change the roles of project members by clicking a Change member role icon 'Change member role' icon in the project members list in the settings view. A Change member role dialog will appear. There, you can choose between the default roles (Guest, Member, and Owner) and user-defined roles (if any have been created – see Admin Settings). The following tables show which changes in rights are associated with adjusting default roles.

Ask the coLab administrator if you want to know what rights a user-defined role has.

Deleting Project Memberships

The project owner and coLab administrators can delete project memberships:

  • Project room owners can remove project members from their project room by clicking a Delete member icon 'Delete member' icon in the project members list in the settings view.

  • coLab administrators can remove project members (except for the project room owners) from all project rooms. This can be done on the project overview page by showing the project members of a project room and clicking the Delete member icon 'Delete member' icon there, as well as in the settings view of the project rooms in which coLab administrators are members themselves.

After confirming the confirmation dialog, the project membership of the selected coLab user will be deleted. The coLab user is no longer a member of the relevant project, but still has a user profile and can be a member of other projects.

The membership cannot be restored once it has been deleted. A deleted project member needs to be invited again before they can regain access to a project room (see Inviting Project Members).

If a project room has several owners, a project room owner can also delete these, except for the last owner. If you try to delete the last or only owner of a project room, you will receive a warning and the deletion process will be canceled. You have to delete the project room in order to delete the last or only owner of a project room (see Deleting Project Rooms).

The assignment for tasks that were assigned to deleted project members is lost. The links in task notification e-mails also lose their validity.

You can find information in Inviting Project Members on how to delete invitations.