The Files View

enaio® coLab 10.10 »

Every project room has its own files view. The files view gives you an overview of the files stored in the project room. You can open the files view by clicking the Files icon Files icon in the header of enaio® coLab. The files view is divided into the directory structure and document preview areas.

The Directory Structure

The directory structure lists all the folders and files that are in the project room as a table. You can sort and filter this table. To sort, click in the column header of Title, Info, or Modified.

The following functions are available for editing the files in the Actions column depending on your project member rights (see User Interface and Roles):

Folders are indicated by a Folder - icon Folder icon in the directory structure. They can only be created, renamed, moved, or deleted by enaio® users in enaio® client, enaio® webclient, enaio® webclient as a desktop application or enaio® mobile.

Clicking a Folder - icon Folder icon will open the folder. You can return to a higher-level folder by clicking the corresponding folder in the breadcrumb bar.

The first column in the table contains checkboxes for downloading multiple files in a *.zip container. If you activate the checkbox in the column header, all files in the project room, including folder structures, are downloaded to the local file system (see Downloading Files and Folders). Use the Download files button to download multiple files.

You can upload a file from the local directory to the project room by clicking the New file button (see Adding Folders and Files).

The input field for filtering the table contents is located in the footer of the table.

The Document Preview

The document preview shows all pages of a text document or all images of an image document. Text documents can be searched. Text passages can be marked in the preview and copied to the Windows clipboard. The following functions are available in the document preview:

See The Document Preview for a more detailed description of several of the document preview functions.

If the features described above are not available to you, then it may be because you have been assigned a user-defined role that does not contain the corresponding rights. Contact a coLab administrator or the project room owner if you have any questions or if you need these rights.