Adding Folders and Files
Folders and files can be added to a project room in enaio® coLab. The project member rights and the object type determine who may add which objects and how (see Objects and Permissions).
Adding Folders
Folders can be added in enaio® coLab only in an enaio® client. Therefore a project member who wants to add a folder in enaio® coLab to a project room must also be an enaio® user.

To add a folder in a coLab project room, you must be an enaio® user, know the location of the coLab root object, and have the appropriate rights to create folders or registers in the location of the coLab root object.
In enaio® coLab, open the project room in which you want to add one or more folders.
Open the settings view in the project room by clicking the
Settings icon in the coLab bar.
Click the Download link to enaio® root object entry in the General settings area.
Depending on the browser configuration, a dialog will appear for filing an *.os reference file in the local file system or for editing using locally installed applications.
Click the Open button in the browser dialog.
As an alternative, you can save the *.os reference file in the local file system and double-click to open it there.
The enaio® application installed on your computer (enaio® client, enaio® webclient as a desktop application, or enaio® mobile) with the location of the root object appears.
Depending on the configuration of your operating system, you may need to log in to enaio®. enaio® webclient does not support *.os reference files.
Create one or more folders or registers at the open location below the root object in enaio®.
As an alternative, you can also copy or move one or more folders or registers, with or without documents, to a filing location below the root object in enaio®.
It is also possible to create nested register structures in enaio®. Pay attention to the query depth defined in enaio® coLab in the user settings when creating the folders or registers. Adjust them, if necessary (see Changing Query Depths).
Switch to enaio® coLab in the corresponding project room and, once there, in the files view.
Folders and registers created in enaio® are shown in the directory structure of the project room in enaio® coLab. The synchronization and display of the new structures can take some time depending on the size of the created directory structures including files.
Adding Files
enaio® supports file extensions containing more than ten characters and Unicode characters.
Please note that the maximum supported file size depends on a number of a different factors. This includes the file type, the file content, the specific use case, and the client used.
Files can be added to a project room in enaio® coLab in the following ways:

Project members with the Owner or Member role, as well as project members with a corresponding user-defined role, can add files to a project room in the files view. Project members with the Guest role are not allowed to add files.
In enaio® coLab, open the project room in which you want to add a file.
Open the files view in the project room by clicking the
Files icon in the coLab bar.
Click the New file button in the footer of the directory structure.
The Upload file input form appears.
Fill in the Title and Info fields in the input form.
Fields indicated by an asterisk ("*") are mandatory.
You can enter up to 200 to 500 characters including spaces in the Title and Info fields. The number above the input field indicates the number of characters you have already entered.
Left-click with the mouse in the File field and select the file in your local operating system that you want to add to the project room in the dialog that appears.
As an alternative, you can use your mouse to drag a file and drop it onto the File field.
The file is uploaded to the dialog and shown in the File field.
The Delete file button appears when you move your mouse over the display area of the uploaded file. This gives you the opportunity to select a different file without having to exit the Upload file dialog.
Then click the Upload button.
The file is uploaded to the project room and shown in the directory structure.
The file is synchronized with enaio® and shown at the location of the root object.

To add files from enaio®, you must be an enaio® user, know the location of the coLab root object, and have the appropriate rights to create files in the location of the coLab root object.
In enaio® coLab, open the project room in which you want to add one or more files.
Open the settings view in the project room by clicking the
Settings icon in the coLab bar.
Click the Download link to enaio® root object entry in the General settings area.
Depending on the browser configuration, a dialog will appear for filing an *.os reference file in the local file system or for editing using locally installed applications.
Click the Open button in the browser dialog.
As an alternative, you can save the *.os reference file in the local file system and double-click to open it there.
The enaio® application installed on your computer (enaio® client, enaio® webclient as a desktop application, or enaio® mobile) with the location of the root object appears.
Depending on the configuration of your operating system, you may need to log in to enaio®. enaio® webclient does not support *.os reference files.
Create one or more documents at the open location below the root object in enaio®.
As an alternative, you can also copy or move one or more documents to a filing location below the root object in enaio®.
Pay attention to the query depth defined in enaio® coLab in the user settings when creating the documents. Adjust them, if necessary (see Changing Query Depths).
Go to enaio® coLab and, once there, to the files view by clicking the
Files icon in the coLab bar.
Documents created in enaio® are shown in the directory structure of the project room in enaio® coLab.
You can generally always transfer all document types from enaio® to enaio® coLab in this manner. For some document types, such as reference documents and documents with multiple locations, there are restrictions for further editing in enaio® coLab (see Objects and Permissions).
If you have added folders and files in enaio®, you may have to update the contents of your browser tab in enaio® coLab so that you can see the new objects. Click the Refresh icon in your browser to refresh.
If the features described above are not available to you, then it may be because you have been assigned a user-defined role that does not contain the corresponding rights. Contact a coLab administrator or the project room owner if you have any questions or if you need these rights.