Creating Objects

yuuvis® RAD client 10.x »

There are two steps involved in creating business objects (folders, data records, forms, documents) in yuuvis® RAD client. First, you need to create the object and then you need to file the object.

Your administrator will have determined which object types you are permitted to create and where you can file specific objects.

Creating Objects

The following options are available for you to create objects in yuuvis® RAD client:

If you have created an object in yuuvis® RAD, the recently created object appears in the objects to be filed list in the in-tray.

Filing Objects

The created objects are listed in the in-tray (see The In-tray). You can open the in-tray via the Main menu icon Main menu > In-tray or via the In-tray iconIn-tray icon on the yuuvis® RAD bar.

In the case of smaller monitors or browser windows (<600 pixels wide), the Favorites icon Favorites, In-tray iconIn-tray, Inbox icon Inbox and User documentation - iconUser documentation icons are hidden in order to better display the yuuvis® RAD bar.

In the in-tray you can

  • define the object type for the created object (for objects that were created via drag and drop or copy and paste).

  • add a document file to the created object (for objects that were created using the Create icon Create object icon on the yuuvis® RAD bar) by:

    • uploading a file from the Windows file system or

    • creating a document file from a template.

      The administrator can disable the template function. If the template function is disabled, then the template object type will not be offered for searches in yuuvis® RAD client and no templates can be created, edited, or shared and no documents can be created from templates.

  • assigning metadata for the created object.

The created object is filed in the yuuvis® RAD filing system when you are finished here. You are finished with creating the object when the object is filed.