Object Type Rights

yuuvis® RAD designer 10.x »

Access to the folders and documents of a specific object type can be managed using object type rights. Object type rights are based on the object types set up in the system.

The Functional specifications and Technical specifications object types were derived from the Concept abstract object type. To ensure users can view, create, and edit functional specifications, and view and search technical specifications, they must be granted object type rights as follows:

  • 'Concept' abstract object type: Available
  • Functional specifications: Available, Display, Create, and Edit
  • Technical specifications: Available and Display

Standard Object Type Rights in yuuvis® RAD

Object type right



This right lets you decide whether or not an object type is visible to a user in the system.

Without the Available right, neither the object type nor its instances are visible. Users cannot search for it, create new instances, or access objects that have not been shared.

The Available right is therefore the basis for all other object type rights.

Abstract object types must be available for rights to derived object types to take effect.


Users can see the business objects of the object type, metadata, and document files.


Users can create new business objects of the object type.

The location at which business objects of an object type can generally be stored and the number of business objects of an object type that can be created are defined in the schema.


Users can edit the business objects of the object type, i.e., make changes to content and metadata.

The right is based on all actions that must be checked out for the business objects and for sharing objects.


Users can share objects of this type with other users. The Edit right is not required.

However, the Allow sharing property is needed for the object type.


Users can delete business objects of the object type.

Deleted objects can be restored or deleted permanently with administrative controls using the recycle bin in yuuvis® RAD management-studio.

Objects can be deleted according to time criteria via the operation 'Permanently delete files.'

The recycle bin can be deactivated. In this case, only users with the object type right 'Destroy' will be able to permanently delete business objects. Restoring the recycle bin and the operation 'Permanently delete files' will not be available.


Users can permanently delete business objects of the object type.


Users can finalize business objects of the object type.

The content and metadata of the finalized business object cannot be edited after the business object has been finalized.

Finalization of business objects can be undone. To do this, users require the Definalize objects functional right.

Object type rights that can be made contingent on certain conditions are marked.