Managing Subscriptions

enaio® webclient 11.10 »

You can subscribe to objects (e.g., folders, registers, and documents) in enaio®. You can view, edit, and remove these subscriptions in the Subscriptions and Subscribed objects inboxes.

Subscriptions Inbox

The Subscriptions inbox lists notifications of subscribed objects that have been changed. You or other users you have added to your subscription distribution list can set up the subscriptions.

You can open the Subscriptions icon Subscriptions inbox using the Inbox icon Inbox icon on the main menu.

Several columns in the list of subscription notifications provide information about the type of change:

These columns are not displayed on smartphones.

When you select a subscription notification, the context menu provides the standard functions, such as Edit content, Open location, and Export.

You can use the Remove icon Remove feature in the context menu to delete a subscription notification.

For a better overview, you can mark subscription notifications in the inbox as read or unread (in bold). You can find the Set as read icon Set as read and Set as unread icon Set as unread functions in the context menu of a selected subscription notification.

Subscribed Objects Inbox

The Subscribed objects inbox lists your subscribed objects or those subscribed to on your behalf. The criteria of a subscription are indicated by icons in the list of subscribed objects.

You can open the Subscribed objects icon Subscribed objects inbox using the Inbox icon Inbox icon on the main menu.

Several columns in the list of subscribed objects provide information about the subscription criteria:

These columns are not displayed on smartphones.

When you select a subscribed object, the context menu provides the standard functions, including Edit content, Open location, and Export.

You can open a subscription and change the subscription criteria using the Edit icon Edit subscription function in the context menu.

Subscriptions set up for you by other users can only be edited and removed by you if you have the system role 'Manage subscriptions'.

You can delete a subscription using the Remove iconSubscription icon feature in the context menu.

Information about objects where there is a notification subscription regarding the deletion process is provided exclusively by e-mail.

Subscriptions on the Dashboard

The dashboard of enaio® webclient shows how many subscription notifications are listed in the Subscriptions icon Subscriptions inbox (see Dashboard). Unread subscription notifications are highlighted to indicate that they have not yet been read.