Deleting Project Rooms
Project room owners, project members with a corresponding user-defined role, and coLab administrators can delete project rooms in enaio® coLab. Deleting the project room does not delete any directory structures or files in enaio®. The directory structures and files are only deleted in the enaio® coLab project room. The property of the root object to synchronize folders, registers, and files from enaio® in a enaio® coLab project room is also cleared.
With the deletion, the messages, tasks, and participant profiles in the project room are also deleted. They cannot be restored either.
The coLab user account of the project members, their participation in other projects, and the coLab upload type are not deleted in the process.
In enaio® coLab, open the project room you wish to delete by clicking the tile of the required project room on the Project rooms home screen.
If you selected the Slim, Slim +, or Horizontal menu type, you first have to click the Home icon in the main navigation before you can click the Project rooms icon in the submenu that opens.
If you selected the Overlay menu type, you first have to click the Main navigation icon in the coLab header before you can click the Project rooms icon in the main navigation bar that opens.
You can find more information about the menu types that are available at Customizing the User Interface. -
Open the settings view in the project room by clicking the Settings icon in the main navigation.
Click the Delete project room button in the General settings area.
The project room in enaio® coLab will be deleted together with the directory structure, files, tasks, and messages.
The tile of the project room is no longer shown on the Project rooms home screen.
Deleting the root object of a project room in enaio® will also delete the corresponding folders, registers, and files in enaio® coLab. However, the project room, its messages on the home screen, and its tasks on the task page will not be deleted.