Customizing the User Interface
The enaio® coLab user interface can be customized in the User profile. You open the user profile when you click the round user icon in the coLab header and then on the User profile icon in the dropdown menu that appears.
You can customize the following design elements in the User profile:
There are themes in varying colors available, which can be selected by clicking them.
There are five scaling levels available. You can adjust the scaling by clicking the plus ('+') and minus ('-') icons.
Shows the complete main navigation with labeling permanently next to the desktop. You can hide and show the main navigation by clicking the Main navigation icon.
Hides the main navigation. You can hide and show the main navigation by clicking the Main navigation icon. The main navigation moves across the desktop and covers it.
Reduces the main navigation to no more than a few icons. Clicking an icon will open the relevant submenu.
Reduces the main navigation to no more than a few icons with labels. Clicking an icon will open the relevant submenu.
Reduces the main navigation to icons. If you hover your mouse over the icons, the main navigation with icons and labels on the left-hand side moves across the desktop. The main navigation is automatically reduced to the icon display again when you drag your mouse onto the desktop. If you click the circle next to the enaio® lettering, the desktop moves next to the main navigation. Click again to restore the old status.
Reduces the main navigation to icons. If you hover with your mouse over the icons, the main navigation with icons and labels on the right-hand side moves across the desktop. The main navigation is automatically reduced to the icon display again when you drag your mouse onto the desktop. If you click the circle next to the enaio® lettering, the desktop moves next to the main navigation. Click again to restore the old status.
Arranges the main navigation as a header above the desktop. Clicking an icon in the main navigation will open the relevant submenu.