Inviting Project Members

enaio® coLab 11.10 »

After a project room has been set up, project owners and project members with a corresponding user-defined role can invite other participants to the project room. The project invitations can be created in the Invitations icon Invitations settings area.

The invited participants will receive an e-mail with a link to access to the project room. The user can click the invitation link. After doing so, they are redirected to the enaio® coLab login page and, after successful registration (see Starting enaio® coLab) and/or login, a dialog prompts the user to accept the invitation to the coLab project room. After the invitation is confirmed, the Project rooms icon Project rooms home screen of enaio® coLab is shown with the tile of the project room from which participant was invited.

Accepted invitations are no longer shown in the invitations table.

Validity of Invitations

Sent invitations are shown in the Invitations icon Invitations settings area in an invitations table even after they expire. The invitations are sorted in chronological order in the table and show the address where the e-mail is sent, the intended member role, the creation and expiration date, and the validity status of the invitation. After the validity date has expired, the invitation links in the e-mails sent are no longer valid.

The validity of invitations is shown in the invitations table in the Remaining time column. In addition to the remaining time in days, the following color bars are used to indicate the validity of invitations:

  • Blue = this is shown if more than 80 percent of the validity period remains

  • Orange = this is shown if less than 80 percent but more than 50 percent of the validity period remains

  • Red = this is shown if less than 50 percent of the validity period remains or if the validity period has expired

Renewing or Revoking Invitations

If you are a project room owner and project member with a corresponding user-defined role and wish to renew or revoke an invitation, click the More actions icon More actions icon in the row of the corresponding invitation in the invitations table. The following functions are available to you in the drop-down menu that opens:

  • Revoke invitation icon Revoke

    If you click the Revoke invitation icon Revoke icon and then press the Yes button in the confirmation dialog that then appears:

    • the entry will be deleted from the invitations table

    • the invitation link will be deactivated

  • Renew invitation icon Renew invitation

    This function is not available to you until the validity date has expired.

    If the validity date of an invitation has expired, you can renew the invitation by clicking the Renew invitation icon Renew invitation icon. You can also set the duration of validity again in the dialog that appears. Clicking the Apply button re-activates the invitation and updates its status and the validity date in the invitations table.