Editing W-Documents
W-Documents (Windows documents) are opened for viewing and edited in the associated W-program.
The administrator can assign a viewer to a W-Document; the viewer allows users who do not have editing rights for the document to view it.
The administrator can configure the editor and the viewer as internal or external programs. External programs run independently from enaio®, whereas internal programs will be integrated into the program window of enaio®.
enaio® Add-Ins features cannot be run from W-programs that have been set up as internal applications.
The administrator can specify whether users can or cannot edit documents of a certain document type. You cannot edit the pages of archived W-Documents. If you do not have the right to edit a W-Document, it will open in read-only mode or in the configured viewer and does not need to be checked in.
Checking Out Documents
When you open a W-Document in order to show or edit it, it will be checked out and flagged with a Lock with red cross in enaio® in object lists (for example, hit lists or in the folder window). Other users can open only a read-only copy of checked-out W-Documents. Documents that you check out yourself are flagged with a yellow Lock in object lists.
Checking In Documents
After editing, you must check the document in so that other users can edit it. Documents that have been checked out can generally only be checked in by the user who checked them out. Likewise, a document can only be checked in on the workstation where it was checked out.
You can check in checked-out documents again using the Check in function via the context menu of the marked document. If you have checked out several W-Documents, you can check them in again as a batch using the Check in all function via the Start ribbon tab ribbon group Objects.
Documents that have been checked out by other users can also be checked in again by users with the Undo the checkout for others system role or the Supervisor system role. In this case, please contact your administrator.
W-Documents that were edited using enaio® Office Add-In NG and enaio® office-365-dashlet are automatically checked in again when you close the document.
When you exit enaio® client, your documents will automatically be checked in.
Select a W-Document from a hit list, a folder window, or the filing tray.
Open the document by pressing Open on the ribbon tab or by selecting Content from the context menu.
The W-Document will open in the assigned W-program. Now you can edit it as you would any other document.
Save the W-Document under the specified name.
Switch to enaio® client.
The document is marked in the hit list, folder window, or filing tray, and will be flagged with a yellow Lock.
Right-click to open the context menu.
Select Check in.
The document is checked in again and other users can edit it.
The yellow padlock in the display disappears.
Discarding Saved Changes
You can discard saved changes as long as you have not yet checked the document in. To do so, select the Discard changes function from the context menu of the marked document or the Hit ribbon tab or Folder ribbon tab. The document is checked in, but the changes are not applied.
Read-Only Mode
If you hold down the Ctrl key while opening a W-Document, it will open in read-only mode and therefore does not need to be checked in. If you generally only want to view W-Documents, i.e., open them in read-only mode, you can set this in the Options window. The window can be opened by selecting Options from the context menu of the document type in the object search.
Checking a Document In and Out Using enaio® office-365-dashlet
You need to set up the access restrictions differently when using Microsoft Office 365 to edit documents:
If a user of enaio® opens a document file for editing via enaio® office-365-dashlet, the document file is only checked out when the user makes the first set of changes to the document file in the Microsoft Office 365 cloud. Only then is it possible for other users to open and edit the document file in a different application. In this case, the editor will receive a message in Microsoft Office 365 indicating that changes that were made to the document file in the cloud could not be saved in enaio®.
Documents checked out using enaio® office-365-dashlet are flagged with a status icon in hit lists, at the filing location, or in inboxes, etc.
Document files that have been checked out using enaio® office-365-dashlet can continue to be edited by other enaio® users.
The document edited in the Microsoft Office 365 cloud is not checked in again until the last editor closes the document.
Exporting and Printing
How to print and export W-Documents is described on the following pages: