enaio® Workflow
Multilingualism in the enaio® Workflow
Following the multilingualism of catalogs with version 11.0, multilingualism has also been implemented for the workflow, both for catalogs and forms.
Workflow models have multilingual forms in version 11.10 and also multilingual names for all model properties that are displayed on the client interface. The multilingual catalogs are also available for workflow forms. In enaio® editor-for-workflow, localization is offered for the corresponding fields in all languages of the object definition.
Depending on the selected language of the user interface, the labels in the columns of the workflow log table (date, time, activity, user, action) are translated.
In addition to localizable names, the form fields are also given internal names. The internal names are language-independent and can be used to access form fields in workflow scripting.
Previously, applications were assigned to language-specific client types. Language-specific client types are no longer required for new or modified models due to the multilingualism of the forms. In version 11.10 there are only the client types 'enaio Client', 'enaio WebClient' and 'enaio MobilClient'.
Updating the Workflow Models
With the update to version 11.10, all workflow models remain executable without any changes. However, if the models are to be edited, they must be converted entirely. In particular, the language-specific client types must be removed in all activities of a model. All scripts must be converted to the use of internal names for accessing form fields when a model is changed. Models can only be reactivated after the conversion has been completed and successfully validated.
For models from version 11.0, the localizable names of the forms and the internal names of the previous names are pre-assigned.
A test mode for the limited release of the models is available for the conversion. This Test mode should only be used in development or test systems.
The test mode allows processes to be started from models in which the applications have not yet been fully converted to language-independent client types. This means that the conversion can be carried out and tested step by step. A maximum of five processes of a model can be started in test mode. The models can only be used in production systems once they have been fully converted, tested and validated.
Standard Ad-hoc Workflow and Taskflow
Standard ad-hoc workflow and taskflow are models that are part of the installation data and can be integrated with minor adjustments. The models are adapted to multilingualism and can be updated.
The models are still available in German, English and French. As system projects, they are read-only. If the models are to be edited, they must be copied into your own workflow projects.
The data for the models is made available with the version 11.10 with changed names via the Service Portal in the \Samples\Workflow Process Components directory. Existing data is retained, models that have already been integrated remain executable.
The models have also been given new functions. To use these functions, the object definition must be adapted. A customized object definition file is available as a template or for import. The log configuration must be recreated for the version 11.10 models. New functions are also available for logs.
The stylesheet for displaying XML logs is also new.
New Functions in the enaio® Workflow
Dynamic Catalogs
Dynamic catalogs are monolingual or multilingual catalogs that are assigned to a form field. However, the catalogs may not contain any values. Values are assigned exclusively by scripts. For multilingual catalogs, the script must contain values for all languages of the object definition. Catalogs can be referenced within a model.
Examples are documented for enaio® client, enaio® webclient, and enaio® appconnector.
ModalDialog Add-on
The ModalDialog add-on is also available for workflow forms in enaio® client and in enaio® webclient.
The ModalDialog add-on is not yet available for enaio® mobile and enaio® webclient on mobile devices.
Log Variables
In enaio® editor-for-workflow, log variables that are integrated in the standard ad-hoc workflow are predefined. These variables have been adjusted. Resources for the application languages are available in the system for displaying the names of the variable values: German, English, French.
The log variables can also be used in your own models. Existing integrations will not be changed.