Object Search

enaio® client 11.0 »

Open the Object search area via View ribbon tab > Areas > Workspace Object search - icon Object search.

enaio® client – Object search  

In the Object search area, you will find the folder types with the assigned register and document types and the desktop directories.

You can see whether the entries are of type register or document by clicking the Workspace Object search options icon Options icon in the context menu of the marked entry.

The Context Menu

The following functions are available via the context menu of a selected entry:

Icon Comment

Object search - Index data search – Icon

Index data search

Opens the index data form of the selected object type for a search request (see Search Forms).

Object search – Create document – Icon


Creates a new folder (see Creating Folders).

This function is only displayed for selected folders in the object search.

Object search – Hit list fields – Icon

Hit list fields

Opens a menu for customizing hit lists (see Settings for the Hit List).

Adjustments made only apply to the selected object type.

Object search – Options – Icon


Opens a menu for adjusting options of the selected object type (see Document Type Options).

Object search – Create portfolio – Icon

Create portfolio for this type

Creates a portfolio for the selected object type (see Portfolios).


Copy for navigation

Copies the selected entry to the enaio® clipboard for customizing your navigation (see Customizing the Navigation).

The Desktop and Public Desktop Directories

The Desktop directory contains Saved Searches, SQL Queries, Object References and Links to External Applications that you can create yourself. These objects can be managed in folders.

You need the corresponding system role to set up the Desktop directory.

The Public desktop directory contains saved searches, SQL queries, and object references which are available to all users (see Public Desktop).

The context menu for objects in the Desktop and Public desktop directories contains the key editing features.

Keyboard Shortcuts

These keyboard shortcuts can be used in the object search area:

Key Function

Arrow key





Use the arrow keys to move up and down or left and right in the object search.

Enter  ↩

Open/close a directory, open a search form, start a saved search or an object reference, or start a linked application.

Ctrl+scroll wheel

Use Ctrl+scroll wheel to scale the font size for the object search.