SOD for enaio® capture-pro

enaio® 11.0 »

A system output destination (SOD) is available for exporting data from enaio® capture-pro, which can be used as the basis for a configuration. The exported data is then imported into enaio® using the data/document import automatic action.

The SOD is located in the Tools\Capture-Pro-SOD directory of the installation data. The directory contains further data that can be used in the project as the basis for configurations.

More information on configurations can be found in the Kodak Capture PRO manuals.

Integrating the SOD

  • Download the archive via the Service Portal located in the Tools area.

  • Unzip the \Capture-Pro-SOD\ archive to a directory located in the following directory of the Kodak Capture Pro installation:


  • Launch Kodak Capture PRO.

  • Select File to open the Job setup dialog.

  • Click the Add button.

    A copy of the selected setup is created.

  • Open the Output register.

  • Tick the System1 checkbox and untick all other checkboxes in the Destination area.

  • Select Send to > enaio capture-pro-sod <version>.

  • Click Setup.

    The Output parameters dialog will open.

  • Select CSV or XML as the output parameter and confirm by pressing OK.

    You can specify the separator for CSV.

  • Select All > Searchable PDF on the Output register.

  • Open the Index register.

    The indexes for each document are added on the register Index > Documents. This data is assigned to the document types in enaio® fields during the import operation.

    Indexes are added on the register Index > Batches for each batch that can be assigned during import.

  • On the Capture register, you can additionally configure the storage location of output images, barcodes, and the separation module.

  • Confirm the configuration by pressing OK.

After configuration, you can scan and check the outputs.

Output – Examples


A CSV output generates PDF files and a CSV file with the following structure:

230424|PDF070|ABC|in Arbeit|1|C:\KodakOutput\Testexport\PDF072_user_Testexport_1.pdf


An XML output generates PDF files and an XML file with the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transfervermerk xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <scanprozess bezeichnung="Postverteilung XML" version="1.0" stand="20.03.2024" />
  <stapel batchid="612-090" stationid="C2024" erstellzeitpunkt="04/30/2024 12:28:47" sachbearbeiter="user">
    <scanprofil name="Keep All">
      <scannertyp>Kodak i4650</scannertyp>
    <dokument id="612-090-1" seiten="3" position="1">
  <sichtpruefung erstellzeitpunkt="30/04/2024 12:28:29" sachbearbeiter="user">
    <bildlich />
    <inhaltlich />
    <indexfeld name="EINGANGSDATUM">30.04.2024</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="ADRESSAT">OSVK</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="SCANDATUM">30.04.2024</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="VALIDIERUNGSUSER">user</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="STAPELNUMMER">612-090</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="SCANSTRECKE">Posteingang</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="VERARBEITUNGSVERMERK">ok</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="STATUSORIGINAL">Versendet</indexfeld>
    <indexfeld name="ALTE_DOKUMENTKENNUNG" />