Document Files

enaio® import-export 10.10 »

The files are written to the specified export directory when you export document files. The output options let you specify whether the document files are compressed, whether TIFFs are joined into MultiPageTIFFs, and whether the path is included in the exported records.

The name of the document files is automatically generated. Document files from W-Document types and e-mail messages have application-specific endings.

Document files of image documents have the file extension '000'. If several image files are assigned to a document, the hexadecimal file extensions will be incremented. Only the first document file ends with '000' in the exported data sets. If you select the system field 'page count' in Field Selection, the number of files is included in the output.

If Quicklooks – preview files – are administered in the DMS, they will also be exported. They are given the file extension 'dia'.

Annotations on layers are not exported.