Managing and Editing Templates

yuuvis® RAD client 9.x »

The administrator can disable the template function. If the template function is disabled, then the template object type will not be offered for searches in yuuvis® RAD client and no templates can be created, edited, or shared and no documents can be created from templates.

You need the appropriate functional rights to manage and edit a template. Templates can be edited, managed, or deleted by the creator or

  • users who have the functional right to manage templates and

  • users or user groups who are entered in the metadata of a template in the Editable by field.

    Only one user or user group can be entered in the Editable by field.

As an authorized user you can

  • change the metadata (for example, title, description, or keywords) of a template,
  • customize the user group who are permitted to edit a template,
  • change the object types for which the template is offered when creating them,
  • modify the user group to which a template is offered,
  • replace templates or edit their contents, and
  • delete templates.

The templates that you can use or edit can be found using the search dialog by searching for the object type 'templates'.