
yuuvis® RAD repository-manager 9.x »

After configuration via the configuration file repositorymanager-prod.yml, further configurations have to be carried out on the KGS Administration Page.

KGS Administration Page

The page is accessed via the following address: http://<service-manager-IP>:<Port>/cs/

The default port is 8010, the user name is admin, and the password is: admin.

After logging in, you can change the login credentials via OSGi > Configuration > Application Framework Management Console:


Main > KGS SAP Connector

An SAP connector is required for the RFC configuration later on.

It is configured in the configuration editor.

The following entries need to be made: Description, SAP AS Host, SAP System Number, SAP Client, SAP User, SAP User Password, SAP Language

Main > Contentserver4ArchiveLink

The existing repositories are displayed.

Repositories Administration

The main entries are made automatically and do not need to be adjusted when the object definition is assigned to the repository.

The License area

The license keys are entered here.

The Barcode area

The barcode scenarios are enabled here.

The Common area

The values are prepopulated and should not be changed.

Debug: range of values from '0' to '4'. Set the debug level to '0' for live systems.

The Security area

Security setting for communication between SAP and yuuvis® RAD repository-manager. Range of values from '0' to '2'.

0 Certificate is not used
1 Certificate is used but not validated

Certificate is used and validated

Recommended for live systems

Allowed CSAdmin Clients: Specifies which clients are allowed to change the certificate. We recommend using a list of the required IP addresses.

Other settings should not be changed.

The RFC area

Assign the created and configured SAP connector.

The ILM area

The values are prepopulated and should not be changed.

The name of the ILM repositories needs to be specified as ILM.

SAP needs to have the user name and password. SAP ILM uses this user name and password to register with yuuvis® RAD repository-manager.

The Components, Backend, and Content areas

Change the values of these areas only after consultation.