Installing yuuvis® RAD core-service

yuuvis® RAD 9.x »

The yuuvis® RAD core-service service is integrated into yuuvis® RAD via the 'dmssidecar' microservice.

Ensure that the System Requirements are fulfilled before installation.

The database instance for the installation time needs to be removed from the cluster and then reintegrated for installation on a Microsoft SQL Server High Availability Cluster. This can be performed in live operation of the cluster. Subsequent updates can be carried out without this procedure.

To install yuuvis® RAD core-service, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the \yuuvis_rad_core-service\ installation directory to the file system of the computer on which you want to install yuuvis® RAD core-service.

  2. Launch yuuvis_rad_core-service_setup-<Version>.exe from the installation directory.
  3. The installation wizard will start. Follow the steps described by the installation wizard.

  4. Specify the following parameters:

  5. Technical service name/

    service display name

    Technical service name and service display name for service control
    Database type
    • MSSQL
    • PostgreSQL

    Continued support for Oracle databases will only be available for existing installations.

    Database parameters
    Server IP address
    Port Port of the database server
    Instance Optional: Name of the instance

    Database name

    Permitted characters: A–Z, a–z, 0–9, _, @, #

    Database names cannot start with a number.


    Name of the database user

    The user needs the 'db_owner' role.


    Password of the database user

    Enter the password in the Credential Store.

    Database structure

    Yes – the database structure with basic configurations is created

    No – the database structure already exists

    Data directory

    Specify directories for the cache, work, and archive areas.

    The directories can be configured via yuuvis® RAD management-studio.

    E-mail parameters

    Optional: parameters for sending administrative e-mails.

    The parameters can be specified and modified via yuuvis® RAD management-studio.

    Sidecar URL

    IP address and port of the 'dmssidecar' microservice. Default port: 7301

    If the database structure with basic configurations is not created, the sidecar URL is imported from the existing data.

    Sidecar service system user

    The displayed API key of the system user needs to be written down and entered when installing yuuvis® RAD service-manager.

    Access from yuuvis® RAD service-manager to yuuvis® RAD core-service is made in the context of the system user with full access rights for this.

  6. Start database initialization

    The database initialization creates the database tables for yuuvis® RAD.

    If there is no database connection and the database cannot be initialized, the installation process must be run again.

  7. Change the service parameters before you start the service:

    Run yuuvis_rad_core-servicew.exe from the \bin\ directory.

    Service parameters:

    Log On > Account

    Account for login to the service

    yuuvis® RAD core-service requires an administrative account.

    Logging > Level Optional: Logging level for service logging
    Logging > Path Optional: Path for service logs
    Logging > Stdout Optional: Redirect the standard output to a file
    Logging > Stderror Optional: Redirect the standard error output to a file
    Java > Java options

    Specify value: 12000

    Java > Java options Optional: Adapt -Djboss.server.log.dir and -Dorg.jboss.boot.log.file

    Java > Initial memory pool

    Java > Maximum memory pool

    Assign working memory

  8. Start the yuuvis® RAD core-service service.

System User

Optional settings for the system user and access via the sidecar service to yuuvis® RAD core-service are possible.

To do so, create a file with the following content in the \standalone\configuration\ installation directory:


Checks whether a system user can log in via the sidecar service only. Default: true.


Additional hosts/IP addresses that can log in with the system user. Entries are only necessary if the sidecar service has more than one address, or if third-party services that use the sidecar service are not running on the host for the sidecar service. Multiple addresses are separated using a comma. Default: no entry.


yuuvis® RAD core-service is installed with a default timeout of 30 seconds. The timeout can be increased for processing large files and in busy networks.

To do so, create a file with the following content in the \standalone\configuration\ installation directory:


Log Files

Log files are generated by yuuvis® RAD core-service in the following directory by default:


Execution of the process scripts is logged in the <core-service-data>\logs\bmp.log.

Changes to the schema, the security system, and user logins are logged in the <core-service-data>\logs\core-service-security.log.

Security logs must be enabled: Main menu > System > Settings > Core service > Global > Server > Enable security logs.

Credential Store

Changing the Database Password

To change the password stored in the Credential Store for accessing the database, perform the following steps:

  • Start the command prompt in the \tools\ directory of the yuuvis® RAD core-service installation.

    The directory contains the change-db-pwd.bat batch file.

  • Enter the following: change-db-pwd DB_Password

  • Restart yuuvis® RAD core-service.

Updating Existing Installations

The password for accessing the database is entered in the Credential Store for new installations from version 8.12 onwards.

Updating an existing installation does not transfer the password to the Credential Store.

To enter the password in the Credential Store, follow these steps:

  • Create a Credential Store:

    • Start the command prompt in the \bin\ directory of the yuuvis® RAD core-service installation.

    • Enter the following:

      elytron-tool.bat credential-store --create --
      location=../standalone/configuration/dbcredstore.cs --password "CredentialStoreAccessPW"

  • Enter the password in the Credential Store:

    • Start the command prompt in the \bin\ directory of the yuuvis® RAD core-service installation.

    • Enter the following:

      elytron-tool.bat credential-store --
      location=../standalone/configuration/dbcredstore.cs --password "CredentialStoreAccessPW" --add=databasePW --

  • Adapt the jas-app.xml configuration file in the \standalone\configuration\ directory of the yuuvis® RAD core-service installation:

    • Insert the credential store in the <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron"...> section:
    • In the <datasource jndi-name="java:/JASDB" ...> section, replace the password by a reference to Credential Store:
      <datasource jndi-name="java:/JASDB" ...>
              <!-- <password>DB_Password</password> -->
              <credential-reference store="dbcredstore" alias="databasePW" />
    • Delete the password from the file and restart yuuvis® RAD core-service.

Uninstalling yuuvis® RAD core-service

When you install yuuvis® RAD core-service, an uninstallation program is created in the installation directory that uninstalls yuuvis® RAD core-service.


For information on updating components, see Release Information.