Searching Metadata for Objects

yuuvis® RAD client 10.x »

Each business object in yuuvis® RAD has metadata. You can search for this metadata in yuuvis® RAD client. Metadata searches are carried out via a corresponding search form in the search dialog. In the search form, fields in the metadata form that are not relevant to the search can be hidden by the administrator.

The metadata search for an object type in the search form can be extended to include the filing context. This must be provided by an administrator.

The Order business object is always in a folder of the type Supplier. The Order search form can be supplemented with the Supplier search form.

The properties of the search fields determine what you are permitted to enter in the search form fields.

The search logically links all search terms on search forms, all limitations on properties and object types, and the global search terms with AND.

If you want to search for objects with empty metadata fields, click the name of the corresponding field. The No value entry is displayed in the field, and the field name is crossed out. As is the case for all searches, searches for empty metadata fields can also be stored.

Searching Tables in Metadata Forms

If an object type in yuuvis® RAD client contains a table in its metadata, you can also include this in the metadata search. To do this, open the search form for the corresponding object type in the search dialog. In addition to other metadata search fields, the search form contains a table in which you can double-click the table row to enter your search terms in an input form that opens. Click Apply in the input form to add the search terms to the table in the search dialog.

To search for empty table cells, click the name of the corresponding table column. The No value entry is then shown in the input field and the name of the table column is crossed out. As is the case for all searches, searches for empty table cells can also be stored.