ArchiveLink Configuration

yuuvis® RAD repository-manager 10.x »

The ArchiveLink connection of yuuvis® RAD repository-manager is configured via the rmalink-prod.yml configuration file, which needs to be copied to the \config directory of yuuvis® RAD repository-manager.

A template for the configuration is available for download.

Configuration file parameters:

Parameter Type Description Sample value Default



Working directory C:/rm-alink ${}/working-dir


IP addresses that are allowed to access the certificate activation endpoint. (127\.0\.0\.1)|(0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1) .*


Connection via the 'dmssidecar' service true false


IP address and port used by yuuvis® RAD repository-manager to connect to yuuvis® RAD core-service.

Required when 'repositorymanager-al.rad.use-sidecar' has the value 'false'. -


User name for access to yuuvis® RAD core-service

Required when 'repositorymanager-al.rad.use-sidecar' has the value 'false'.

user -


Password for access to yuuvis® RAD core-service

Required when 'repositorymanager-al.rad.use-sidecar' has the value 'false'.

password -


Comma-separated list of SAP repositories.

"AB,AC,AD" -
repositorymanager-al.barcode.interval Integer

Barcode processing interval (in minutes).

The default value 0 deactivates barcode processing.



repositorymanager-al.barcode.limit Integer Batch size of the barcode documents that are processed per repository in an interval.



repositorymanager-al.barcode.library-folder String

Directory for the files sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll



repositorymanager-al.barcode.cnt-type-doc-type String

List of entries for mapping the barcode document type, separated by pipe characters.

Entries consist of content type, equals sign, and SAP® document type.

Field that describes how component content type is mapped to the SAP document type.

Image/TIFF=FAX|application/pdf=PDF Image/TIFF=FAX|application/pdf=PDF
repositorymanager-al.barcode.default-doc-type String Standard SAP® barcode document type TIF TIF
repositorymanager-al.barcode.default-protection String Protection of the document rcud rcud
repositorymanager-al.barcode.default-protocol-version String SAP Content Server HTTP Interface Version 0047 0047
repositorymanager-al.certificate.path String Path for certificates C:/rm-alink/certificates ${repositorymanager-al.working-dir}/certificates
repositorymanager-al.certificate.password String Certificate password. password -
repositorymanager-al.certificate.mode String

Certification mode


    Default: Activation required


    Automatic activation

  • NONE

    No certification

repositorymanager-al.compression.limit String

Compression for objects that exceed the specified size in MB.

The value 0.0 deactivates compression.

0.5 0.0
repositorymanager-al.compression.content-types String If compression is activated, it can be restricted to content types. Image/TIFF *
monitoring.trace.enabled Boolean Activate the metrics log. The services.metrics.log metrics log is also created in the \logs directory of yuuvis® RAD service-manager. true false
server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled Boolean An access log can be activated. The access log is saved in the working directory of the Tomcat that is integrated. true false


The 'rmalink' service requires a valid and activated certificate for each repository. Specify the path and password using the parameters 'repositorymanager-al.certificate.path' and 'repositorymanager-al.certificate.password'.

Use 'PUT request' to activate the certificate in yuuvis® RAD service-manager via the /api/rad/certificate/activate endpoint from the 'rmalink' service. Parameters: contRep and cn.

The call can be made via the Swagger UI.

You can deactivate the certificate via the /api/rad/certificate/deactivate endpoint. The additional parameter tenant requires the value rad.

Activation of the certificate is required by default. The certification mode can be changed via the rmalink-prod.yml configuration file. The 'AUTOMATIC' mode activates the certificate automatically.

For security reasons, the 'NONE' certification mode should only be used for test and development systems.

A list of existing certificates can be retrieved via the GET/api/rad/certificate/ endpoint.

Encryption of Configuration Data

Passwords and other sensitive data stored in the rmalink-prod.yml configuration file should be encrypted:

  • Open the command prompt as an administrator and go to the \service-manager\tools\ directory.

  • Run the following command: encode.bat "value" -W.

    The encrypted password is shown with a leading 'ENC' in round brackets: ENC(encryptedvalue).

  • Copy the encrypted password with the leading 'ENC' and round brackets and add it to the configuration file.

  • Save the configuration file.