The Recycle Bin
To access the recycle bin, the user will need the Show personal recycle bin system role.
Folders, registers and documents deleted by the user are moved to the user's personal recycle bin and remain there until the objects are permanently deleted there. The Recycle Bin is accessible via the main menu >
Desktop > Private desktop.
The deleted objects are displayed in the recycle bin in the form of a mixed hit list. The hit list can be sorted, grouped, and filtered like other hit lists in enaio® webclient. An additional column indicates the deletion date.
Objects in the recycle bin will not be taken into account for search requests. The details preview in the recycle bin shows the index data as well as any existing notes of a selected object. The areas History,
Workflows, and
Follow-Ups in the details preview are hidden.
Notes are only displayed – options for creating, editing, and deleting are not available.
The recycle bin is not available in offline mode and when the server connection is not established.
Showing the Original Location
Users require the Webclient: Open location system role to view a location.
Selecting a register or a document in the recycle bin will make the Open location function available in the context menu, which you can use to show the original location of the deleted object.
The following exceptions apply when showing the original locations of deleted objects:
The locations of child entries (objects in deleted folders or registers, such as sub-registers or documents) cannot be shown if the parent entry is also in the recycle bin. The original location of the child entry can only be shown once the parent entry has been restored.
The locations of child entries cannot be shown if the parent entry has been permanently deleted.
The locations of deleted variant documents cannot be shown.
Restoring Deleted Objects
Folders, registers, and documents can be restored to their the original location using the Restore function in the context menu. Only individual deleted objects can be restored.
If a folder or register contained child entries, such as sub-registers or documents, then you will be asked whether you want to restore the folder or register with (Yes button) or without sub-elements (No button) when you restore it. However, you can also cancel the recovery process (Cancel button).
The system will inform you if the deleted objects were not successfully recovered or only partially recovered. The current location of the object will be shown once it has been successfully recovered.
The following exceptions apply when restoring deleted objects:
Variant documents cannot be restored.
Child entries (objects in deleted folders or registers, such as sub-registers or documents) cannot be restored if the parent entry is also in the recycle bin. The child entry can only be shown once the parent entry has been restored.
The locations of child entries cannot be restored if the parent entry has been permanently deleted.
Locating parent elements
If you receive a notification telling you that an original location cannot be displayed or a child entry cannot be restored because the parent entry is also in the recycle bin, you can use the object ID displayed in the notification to locate the parent entry. The object ID of a deleted object is shown in the recycle bin in the detail preview.
Deleting Permanently
To delete an object permanently from the recycle bin, the user will need to have the Client: Delete objects from recycle bin system role.
Deleted objects can be permanently deleted from the recycle bin. The Delete permanently function is available in the context menu for this purpose. You can permanently delete one or more objects at the same time.
If a folder or register originally used to contain sub-elements, such as sub-register or documents, then they will also be deleted during the permanent deletion process.
Objects that have been permanently deleted from the recycle bin cannot be restored.