Creating Folders

enaio® webclient 11.10 »

Folder – new iconFolderss are created using the index data form of an existing folder type. Specific register and document types, which can be created inside the folder, are assigned to a folder type.

To create a folder, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Object search icon Object search icon in the main menu.

    The navigation area with the object search will open.

  2. Select the cabinet in which you want to create the folder and click or tap on the Arrow icon Arrow icon.

    The cabinet area with the available object types will open.

  3. Click the Add icon Plus icon next to the folder type you want to create.

    The index data form now opens.

  4. Complete the index data form.

  5. Click the Save icon Save icon.

The new Folder – new iconFolders is created and shown in the workspace.