Content Preview

enaio® webclient 11.10 »

The content preview shows the content of documents in a preview area. Select a document in an object list (hit list, folder window, or inbox, for example) and click or tap the Preview area document preview iconContent preview icon in the preview area to show the document content. The document content will be shown until a different object is selected. A placeholder page is shown in the content preview if no document is selected.

The preview area is located to the right of the workspace in enaio® webclient and in the desktop application of enaio® webclient (see User Interface).

The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile:

In enaio® mobile, open the preview area by

  • tapping on a document in an object list (e.g., in a hit list, at a filing location, in the favorites area) (single touch).
  • selecting an object (for example, folders, registers, and documents) from an object list and clicking the Show index data icon Show object function in the context menu.

The preview area will then move on top of the workspace.

In the case of documents with multiple variants, the preview of the active variant is always shown. This is also the case if a document with multiple locations points to an inactive variant.

A placeholder page is displayed in the content preview if you select an empty register, an empty folder, or a document without pages.

Refreshing the Content Preview

Please note that the content preview only shows a PDF conversion of the original document file and that a PDF cannot be created from every document. In these cases, a placeholder page with an Refresh icon Refresh icon is displayed in the content preview.

If no preview is available for a selected document in an object list, then the user can manually trigger the generation of the preview by clicking or tapping the Refresh icon Refresh icon on the placeholder page itself. This function is not available in detached content previews and offline mode.

Functions Available in the Content Preview

Text documents can be searched. Click or tap on a hyperlink in the preview to open or import web pages, file paths, and e-mail addresses. In the case of hyperlinks with file paths, the path is copied to the Windows clipboard. Text passages can be marked in the preview and also copied to the Windows clipboard (not supported in enaio® mobile).

Functions to search, zoom in/out, and add preview annotations (see Preview Annotations) can be found in the vertical menu bar. In the case of e-mail attachments, additional icons appear in the vertical menu bar that can also be used to view and search attachments.