Keyboard Shortcuts

enaio® webclient 11.10 »

Keyboard shortcuts can be used to issue specific control commands in enaio® webclient. enaio® webclient and enaio® webclient as a desktop application support a large number of common keyboard shortcuts. This section introduces you to a few special shortcuts that apply in certain areas and that go beyond the standard shortcuts.

The following applies if you are using enaio® mobile:

enaio® mobile does not support keyboard shortcuts.

We differentiate in object lists, such as hit lists or filing locations, between marked and focused elements:

  • Focused elements

    A focused element in an object list is highlighted by a frame.

  • Marked elements

    Selected elements in an object list are highlighted in color. Elements are marked so that actions (such as copying, subscribing, etc.) can be applied to one or more objects. If the user selects an element from an object list, the corresponding information will be displayed in the preview area (e.g., the content of the selected document is shown in the content preview).

When an object list is opened, the first line/tile is marked (line/tile is gray). Pressing the down arrow key sets the focus to the next line/tile, while the first line/tile remains marked.


Interaction Key Description
Interactive elements

Tab key: navigates forwards

Shift + Tab key: navigates backwards

  • Focused elements are highlighted by a frame.

  • The order is from the top left to the bottom right.

Buttons Space bar/Enter key: executes an action of the focused element
  • The action associated with the focused element is triggered in the same way as a click with the left mouse button.

Lists and menus

Up/down arrow key: navigates between the entries in a list or in a menu

Right/left arrow key: navigates to actions (cascading menus, for example) in an entry

Space bar/Enter key: marks an entry in a list or performs an action

Shift + Tab key: jumps to the beginning of the focused entry

Home/End: jumps to the first or last entry in a list or menu


Dropdown menus

(combo boxes)

Tab key: focuses the combo box

Enter key/space bar: opens the combo box

Esc on a list element: closes the combo box without selecting the entry

Enter key/space bar on a list element: selects the element and closes the combo box

Arrow up/down key: moves from one entry to another in the combo box list

Arrow right/left keys: moves from one entry to another in the combo box list

Home/End: jumps to the first (Home) or last (End) entry in the combo box list

  • Examples:

    • Option to limit results in the full-text search

    • Selecting the language in the user settings dialog


Tab key: navigates forwards

Shift + Tab key: navigates backwards

Esc: exits a dialog

  • Navigation using the Tab key or Shift + Tab key runs in circles in modal dialogs.

  • Minor dialogs, such as context menus, catalog lists, or user menus, are also exited when the focus leaves them (Tab key or click outside the dialog).

  • Major dialogs, such as quick search or the Settings menu, can only be exited by pressing Esc or using the dialog control.

Hit lists (table view)

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: jumps from the table to the next or previous area

Arrow key: moves the focus in the hit list

Ctrl + any arrow key: moves the focus to the end of a row or column

Home/End: jumps to the first or last cell

Enter key: marks a focused line

  • Holding down the Ctrl or Shift key enables you to mark single or multiple entries to add them to the selection.

Hit lists (card view)

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: moves the focus forwards or backwards within the card view. The card itself and then focusable elements within the card are always jumped to first before the next card is focused on.

Space bar/Enter key: marks a single, currently focused card and unmarks all other cards

Ctrl key + Space bar: adds another card to the existing selection or unmarks the card if it was already selected. One card will always remain marked.

Shift key + Space bar: marks several consecutive cards

Space bar, Enter key on card contents: activates a focused interactive element (such as executing the default action or opening the menu)

Arrow key: moves the focus between the cards

Home/End: jumps to the first or last card

  • Holding down the Ctrl or Shift + Tab key while pressing the Space bar enables you to mark single or multiple entries to add them to the selection.

Expandable areas containing lists as content in the navigation

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: jumps to the next or previous focusable element outside the area

Space bar/Enter key on the area heading: opens/closes the area

Space bar/Enter key on a list entry: executes a function of the list entry

Arrow keys up/down: moves the focus between list entries; you can also navigate between the areas

Arrow keys left/right: moves the focus between the heading of an area and other functions within the heading line

  • Examples in the navigation:

    • My incoming messages, object search = simple list

    • Desktop/external tray = hierarchical list

Expandable areas with other elements as content

Tab key/Shift- Tab key: moves the focus forwards/backwards between the area headings and the expandable/collapsible area content

Space bar/Enter key on a focused area heading: expands/collapses the area

  • Examples:

    • Quick search: forms

    • User settings: may contain headings, dropdown menus, jump labels, and HTML elements

    • Details preview: tables

Dialog Elements

Interaction Key Description

Suggestions list


Up/down arrow key: focuses on a suggestion from a suggestions list

Enter: selects a suggestion and exits the suggestion list

Esc: discards the selection of a suggestion and exits the suggestions list

Right arrow key: accepts a selected suggestion

Group field Fields in groups are focused according to the tab order as usual with Tab key/Shift + Tab key.  

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: jumps to the next or previous dialog element

Space bar: enables or disables a checkbox

Radio buttons

Down/right arrow keys: focuses on the next radio button

Up/left arrow keys: focuses on the previous radio button

Space bar: enables or disables a radio button

Tab key: exits the group of radio buttons

  • Only one option can be selected. The selected option is automatically moved when the focus is moved.


(Page controls)

All arrow keys on one tab: navigates within the tabs

Home/End: jumps to the first or last tab

Space bar/Enter key on a marked tab: brings the page of the focused tab to the foreground

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: if a page control is the next or previous element, the focus jumps to the tab. If the focus is on the page control, the Tab key is used to focus on the first focusable field on the active page. The previous focusable field on the active page is focused using the Shift + Tab key.

  • Example:

    Tabs in the forms that can also be customized via programming

Simple tabs

Space bar/Enter key on a marked tab: brings the page of the focused tab to the foreground

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: if a tab is the next or previous element, the focus jumps to the tab.

  • Example:

    In the user settings


Navigation mode:

Arrow key: moves the focus within the columns and rows in a table

Home/End: jumps to the first or to the last cell of a table

Navigation and write mode:

Tab key: moves the focus to the next cell

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: moves the focus to the previous cell

Ctrl + arrow key: jumps to the end of a column or row

Alt + Down arrow key: opens an add-on

Write mode:

Space bar/text input: activates write mode in a table

Enter key in the bottommost row of a table: creates a new row at the end of the table when the cursor is in the bottom row

Esc: discards a text entry and exits write mode

  • There are two modes for navigating within a table:

    • the Navigation mode (default, arrow keys for navigation)

    • the Write mode (activate via Space bar or direct text input, Tab keys for navigation)

    Sorting columns

    • Columns can be sorted with the Enter key on the column header if the function is enabled for this table.

Text field

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: jumps to the next or previous field

Alt + Down arrow key: opens an add-on

Enter: saves a form or executes a search request


Catalogs and Add-ons for Text Fields

Interaction Key Description

List catalog, Database catalog, User add-on

Keyboard navigation; see above – elements, buttons, and lists.

Single selection

Space bar/Enter key: Selects the catalog element, closes the catalog, and applies the value in the input field.


Shift + Space bar + Arrow up/down keys: Selects several entries

Space bar/Enter key (provided the catalog or add-on is configured accordingly): Selects multiple entries

Space bar on focused Close button:

Closes catalog or add-on without applying values.

  • Simple lists

  • Database add-ons not supported.

  • Click the Apply button to apply multi-selections.

Hierarchy catalog, Tree catalog, Workflow recipient add-on, register tree,

Lists with hierarchies

Keyboard navigation; see above – elements, buttons, and lists.

Single selection

Space bar/Enter key: Selects the catalog element, closes the catalog, and applies the value in the input field.


Shift + Space bar + Arrow up/down keys: Selects several entries

Space bar/Enter key (provided the catalog or add-on is configured accordingly): Selects multiple entries

Space bar on focused Close button:

Closes catalog or add-on without applying values.

Group elements

Space bar on group element: Selects group element (structuring element with +/- icon) in hierarchy and tree catalogs if it is selectable and not expanded

Enter key on group element: Opens or closes group element (structuring element with +/- icon) in hierarchy and tree catalogs if it is selectable

Rights group add-on

Tab key/Shift + Tab key: jumps to the next or previous focusable element

Enter/Space bar: executes an action associated with the focused element (for example, change the tab, open/close the selection list for the object type, move marked list entries)

Enter key on list header: sorts the list

Arrow keys: move the focus between the list entries

Space bar in a list: selects an entry in the list (selection of more than one entry with the Space bar possible)

Home/End in a list: jumps to the first or last entry in a list