Leaving Projects or enaio® coLab

enaio® coLab 11.10 »

There are various options when you have finished working on a project or if you want to leave a enaio® coLab project permanently for other reasons.

Leaving Projects or Deleting Project Memberships

If you still want to work with enaio® coLab but need to leave a project or delete a membership in a project, you can do this on the project’s overview page or in the settings view of the respective project.

As an alternative, if you no longer have access to enaio® coLab, you can contact the owner of a project or a coLab administrator when you know the e-mail address of the project room owner or a coLab administrator. The project room owner manages the members of a project and can therefore also delete your membership. A coLab administrator can delete project members with the Guest or Member roles from all projects.

Deleting User Profiles

Your user profile in enaio® coLab is retained, even if you no longer belong to a project. You can have your profile deleted in enaio® coLab if you no longer want to work with enaio® coLab.

enaio® coLab profiles are managed by the administrator of the enaio® system. Contact a project room owner or a coLab administrator and have them delete the profile if you do not know who the administrator of the enaio® system is.

You can find out who owns a project on the Project rooms icon Project rooms home screen, on the Overview icon Overview page, and in the Settings icon Settings of the respective project. The e-mail address of the project room owner is also shown under Settings icon Settings > Members icon Members.

If you do not know the e-mail address of any project room owner or coLab administrator, because you no longer have access to enaio® coLab, for example, you can also contact the company from which you received the invitation to enaio® coLab.