Saving the Window Layout
enaio® client has many customization options. For example, you can customize the window layout of your user interface (see Position of Workspace Elements) and save it. The position, size, and docking status of the windows (object search, navigation, inboxes, content preview, details preview, dashlets, etc.) are saved.
You can save up to five window layouts. The status bar of enaio® client shows the window layout currently in use. enaio® client needs to be restarted afterwards in order to use the saved window layout.
You can manage the saved layouts in the window layout management.
Users need the Save own settings system role to open the window layout management.
You can open the window layout management via ENAIO ribbon tab > Window layout or by double-clicking the status bar. In the layout management, you can
create a new layout that corresponds to the window layout currently in use in enaio® client.
load an existing layout so that it is shown in enaio® client.
specify that a certain window layout is used or prompted when starting enaio® client.
The start window layout is indicated in the window management by a checkmark in the list of layouts.
rename an existing layout.
reset the default layout to the factory settings.
delete an existing layout.
The standard layout, the start layout, and the currently shown layout cannot be deleted. The currently shown layout is highlighted in bold.
Window layouts can be allocated by profile. In the case of profile allocation, the user can select which window layout to use when starting enaio® client or only use the layout allocated in the profile. Please contact your administrator if you have any questions or issues.
You can overwrite the currently used and saved window layout using the functions Auto save on exit and Save now in the settings menu > Workspace.