Annotations on Layers

enaio® client 11.10 »

You can add annotations to image documents in the document display window. Annotations are organized on layers.

Annotations on layers can only be created and edited when no other user is editing the document. If another user has edited annotations and saved them while you were also working on them, you cannot save your changes.

Annotations on layers are not included in document versions in the history. Image documents are always displayed here with the layers of the current version.

Layer Types

Depending on access rights and system roles, the following layers can be created:

Access rights and system roles are assigned by your administrator. For this reason, there may be layers which you can see but cannot hide or edit.

enaio® can be configured so that references to image files that you receive by e-mail, for example, can be opened immediately using the enabled layer administration.

Creating Layers

You can create group layers and public layers only if authorized to do so by the administrator.

Creating Annotations for a Layer

The annotations you create on a layer can comprise freehand lines, texts, filled rectangles, rectangles, marks from highlighters, lines, arrows, rulers, notes, rubber stamps, and buttons (which you can use to set links and start a program).

Documents which you want to create annotations for may not be rotated in the document display window. The position of an annotation is always relative to the saved document, not relative to the position after the document is rotated.

Annotation Settings

You can influence the appearance of the annotations in the following places:

Editing Annotations

You can edit the annotations on your private layers and, depending on the rights granted to you by the administrator, on public and group layers.

Showing and Hiding Layers

You can only hide static group layers and static public layers if the administrator has granted you this right.

Editing Layers

You can edit your private layers. You can also edit public and group layers if you were granted the respective rights by the administrator.

Printing Layers

If you want to print layers which can be edited, open the document in the display window and the print dialog using the keyboard shortcut Alt+P. In the print dialog, tick the Print annotations checkbox.

When printing image documents, layers which cannot be edited will be printed as well.