enaio® webclient

enaio® 11.10 »

Keyboard Controls/Accessibility

The operating options of enaio® webclient with keyboard commands have been further expanded. For example, it is now possible to navigate in the index data, follow-up, and workflow areas in the details preview using the keyboard. The buttons that offer further functions for the details preview (preview area) can be navigated to using the keyboard while a screen reader provides all the information (see Keyboard Shortcuts).

Multilingual Workflows

As of version 11.10, multilingual workflows are supported in enaio® webclient.

Depending on the selected language of the object definition, localized labels are used in the inboxes My incoming messages, Startable workflows and Current workflows, the labels in the columns of the workflow log table (date, time, activity, user, action) and also in the details preview in the Workflow area.

In forms, an icon can be displayed on buttons instead of a text, which can be configured differently depending on the language selected for the object definition.

In workflow forms, the values of multilingual list, tree and hierarchy catalogs are available for selection in the object definition language selected by the user. In addition, multilingual dynamic catalogs of workflows are now supported.

Internally, enaio® webclient either works with the new internal names available as of 11.10 for fields in a workflow form or continues to use the GUID for older workflow models.

enaio® office-365-dashlet Displays Descriptive File Names

In the preview, enaio® office-365-dashlet no longer displays the object ID of the selected document as before, but a descriptive file name. This file name is created based on index data and user settings in enaio®.