Internal References (*.os Reference Files)

enaio® webclient 11.0 »

In enaio®, users can create internal references. These references can be created using the Send e-mail icon Send e-mail function in enaio® webclient, enaio® webclient as a desktop application, and enaio® mobile, and additionally using the Copy link icon Copy link function (see Sending Objects and Links and References in enaio®). This generates reference files with the .os file extension that can be integrated into e-mails and Windows applications (for example, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and/or stored in the file system. Clicking or tapping on a reference file will open the locally installed enaio® application such as enaio® client, enaio® webclient as a desktop application, or enaio® mobile (enaio® webclient does not support this function) and show the relevant object.

Internal references can be used to call the following objects in enaio®:

  • Documents, folders, and registers

  • Saved searches

  • Portfolios

References with saved searches can also be transferred to the desktop application of enaio® webclient or to enaio® mobile (see Saving and Transferring Searches).

References to portfolios and references with searches containing parameters are not yet supported by the desktop application of enaio® webclient and enaio® mobile.

Opening Internal References

Depending on the type or configuration of your local operating system, you can click, double-click, or tap internal references to open them in enaio® webclient as a desktop application and enaio® mobile. The recipient of an internal reference has to have the appropriate rights to the object type or the location in order to open the received internal reference.

The search is executed for internal references to saved searches. The location is always opened for references to folders and registers. The 1-hit hit list action is executed for documents. Depending on the defined action, this can be, for example, opening or downloading the document or the index data form for viewing or editing (see Hit Lists with One Hit). The 1-hit hit list action is defined by your administrator.